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Okay this is really weird. I was playing my Super Metroid and started a new game. Well, I first i escaped ceres, and bla bla bla...
Okay, now i'm in front of the bomb room's door and preparing to shoot it open and fight Torizo,but just when i'm about to go to the room, my big brother runs to my room and starts bothering me. I tried to fight back, but i slipped, and fell to my snes, The screen went black, but the music still played. I thought that this was the end of my snes. Oh well, That's sad... But now the screen goes back to normal, but music goes off. Weird. I played without music for a while, and went to The Torizo room, but there was no Torizo. There were Etecoons and the bird. Now the screen shuffled and showed me the ending. It told me that my time was 15 minutes, and AF %. Why AF? I only got few items, so doesn't that make about 5 percent? Strange...
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Too many fangirls to count
Ready and willing.
Well, when you scramble the game, you get lots of wierd ass shit.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Wow.  You have to really upset the game to finish with "Aw, F--k" percent.
Ready and willing.
Interesting that it displayed the percent in hex... if that's what it really did. Could have just been random characters.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Random characters is more likely, like when you have 500 super missiles or something.
What I want to know is what equipment the game thought he had to give him AF percent. :P
Time bomb set get out fast!
I doubt it was hex, Yosh -- not only because AF would be 175, but because the game shouldn't even have any programming for hex output.  All the numbers the game displays are decimal.  I think it's more likely a matter of loading the wrong character sprites.  Letters and numbers are probably stored close together in memory.

We're probably being silly to look for a software explanation for something caused by whacking the hardware around, anyway.

(Btw, great post, mangadood.)
Quote from Zeke:
Wow.  You have to really upset the game to finish with "Aw, F--k" percent.

LOL!!!!! This just made my day. XD
That has to be the most weirdest thing to ever happen in a Metroid game. Shocked

Did it delete any of your saved games? Cuz if it did, that would really suck!

And this is a reason I never let my younger sister near my SNES.

I always lock my door from the inside, so she can't get in. Wink
Too many fangirls to count
I board my doors. :?
Sounds like it glitched and turned on the "game end" flag, and so it displayed the sprites that are normally in that room when you go there during the escape sequence.  Then it glitched to the end screen and gave you a random character percentage.
it kinda happened with me, I was testing how well S-Video does on the SNES, and I budged it while it was on and the game crashed. Lost all my saves while doing it. (good thing there was only one save on there, but no big deal)
Don't mind if i change the subject, but is it possible to get out of torizo room before the door closes?
Quote from Metroid Jelly:
Don't mind if i change the subject, but is it possible to get out of torizo room before the door closes?

Lol, only with an emu and hacking the game... I believe it involves the blue suit glitch.
Jelly, Did you try to recreate that? And record it? That would be a Speed Run... :D

(user is banned)
Dachoras... Ecticoons, and Dachoras...
(user is banned)
I have a question about speed runs. How do you do them? Is there a special cheat, is gameshark/ genie involved, or is it just skill. The best time I ever got was... sadly a little over an hour and a half. But my percent sucked, it was something like 40%, or around there. I know that 28% is the highest you can get without collection any energy tanks or expansions, so I didn't do too great. I was going for time, not completion. But the highest percent I got was 98% and my time that time was about four hours... I had all of the energy tanks (14), three of the reserve tanks, 145 missiles, 45 super missiles (I think) and I forget how many power bombs... I forget what my point even was for posting this...
Skill.  Definitely skill.
1:43 100% for me...(that one is the fourth time I've beaten the game)...usually I get to after getting the Grav suit...and I just delete the file and start over...don't ask why...sometimes even before that...

As a side note...after me and my bro saw Red Scarlet's run we have decided to go into a competition with eachother...his best time is 1:31 100%...*cries* We suck...at least I suck...oh well...
heh. i can predict what she will say about that.
Is there a way to escape torizo?
I mean that is it possible to get out before the doors close?
If you use game genie and run in the next room, get shinespark, run to torizo, grab da bombs, and make a horizontal super jump to the opened door.
Ready and willing.
Hell, if you're using game genie, why not walk through walls? Or at the very least, give yourself blue suit.
what is this strange 'blue suit' you mention?
soaking through
It's something like you getting stuck in a state of boostiness, but you're not actually running.  You can kill enemies by walking in to them  etc, but there are some things that cancel it out.  IIRC, you get it during the Draygon fight somehow.
You get it by killing draygon by speedboosting into him. 

Put him into the red so that he'll die in another hit or so, then let one of those gray sticky things latch onto you.  This will give you the time you need to fully dash up to speed, then just shinespark into draygon.  What will happen is the fight will end, but the game won't reset the bluesuit flag.

While in bluesuit, I believe at anytime you can press down you get a free shinespark (only once).  You can kill enemies just by running into them.  If you run, you lose it.  If you start falling into quicksand, you lose it.  If you save and reset the game, you lose it. 

Personally, I'm not too fond of it... I need my run button >.<