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Silicon Knights has left Nintendo. They're 3rd party now. Too Human may be for Xbox. Tears.
Thread title: 
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Factor 5 left too. 'Tis a dark day.
I've been talking about this since yesterday in other threads.  Its not that big of a deal to me. 

SK's games just didn't sell, as long as they stay alive, i'm fine with whoever they make games for. 

Factor 5 didn't "leave" nitnendo, they just said they weren't making another game for the gamecube.  Pilotwings for the GCnext was already announced a while ago to be being made by them.  And I'm sure they factor 5 is helping with the GCnext sound hardware, like they did with the cubes.

Anyway, Rogue Leader, the second factor 5 game since the system launched, didn't sell well either...  They already stated that they liked the xbox hardware, and factor 5 was surprisingly, NEVER officially a second party.
Free Radical, Rare, SK, Factor 5? What's with all the second partyers (sans F5, i guess) leaving the Big N? How bad could it be to make games for the ol' Cube?
Well, Rare didn't really leave, they were just bought by Microsoft. However, I feel I can't say anything bad about Microsoft because almost all of my friend's parents work at Microsoft, I live 10 minutes away, and I might get a job there someday. Oh, and Halo kicks ass. But Gamecube is still better!
Quote from MetalRidley:
Free Radical, Rare, SK, Factor 5? What's with all the second partyers (sans F5, i guess) leaving the Big N? How bad could it be to make games for the ol' Cube?

Free Radical was never a second party, they were created after members left Rare, and from what it looks like.. the good members are the ones who left.

Timesplitters 3 IS going to be on gamecube though, *AND* its going to be online for the cube, which is a very very very good thing.  Cause Timesplitters 2 rocked.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from Syl:
Free Radical was never a second party, they were created after members left Rare, and from what it looks like.. the good members are the ones who left.

Timesplitters 3 IS going to be on gamecube though, *AND* its going to be online for the cube, which is a very very very good thing.  Cause Timesplitters 2 rocked.

I don't totally buy the "SK left" thing.  Most of it is fanboy hopes, but something seems very fishy about the whole thing.  If I have time later I'll get into it.

Also, Factor 5 only gave up on the 'Cube because they gave up on current gen consoles and are working on next gen stuff (like Pilotwings).  It's just they've worked basically only on the 'Cube so far so an image of desertion was made.

And Rare sucks now, and have since SFA.  Their last good games were on the N64...
Quote from chinchillax13514:
I feel I can't say anything bad about Microsoft because almost all of my friend's parents work at Microsoft, I live 10 minutes away, and I might get a job there someday.

follow the gold brick road.
It's like how you're not allowed to say anything bad about Toozin here.

(please don't kill me Toozin)
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I'm really hoping that was a joke...  Because, well That's a crazy to be banned. 

And also...  how do you people know all this stuff about all these systems and stuff?  All I know is Xbox is performance better and I'm stickin with that.  Also all I know is that Natsume makes Harvest Moon, Capcom makes Megaman, and Rare makes Donkey Kong.  Do you get...  Like...  A special magazine or something?  Do you have connection?  What!?  What crazy foof this is, just as bad as some of those "Anime Freaks"  at school...  Sure they may seem pretty nice on the outside, but once you bring up the fact that anime is just a bunch of cartoons..  Whew!...  Uhh...  Crazy?
Quote from MegaMyke:
I'm really hoping that was a joke...  Because, well That's a crazy to be banned.

I'll just ignore you said that, and pretend you caught the utter sarcasm in the posts. :P Of course it was a joke. (-_-;)

Quote from MegaMyke:
And also...  how do you people know all this stuff about all these systems and stuff?  All I know is Xbox is performance better and I'm stickin with that.  Also all I know is that Natsume makes Harvest Moon, Capcom makes Megaman, and Rare makes Donkey Kong.  Do you get...  Like...  A special magazine or something?  Do you have connection?  What!?  What crazy foof this is, just as bad as some of those "Anime Freaks"  at school...  Sure they may seem pretty nice on the outside, but once you bring up the fact that anime is just a bunch of cartoons..  Whew!...  Uhh...  Crazy?

If you don't wanna get screwed, don't mess with us anime freaks and/or videogame freaks. We tend to fight for reasons related to those more often than for being called freaks, dorks, or nerds, or just about any insult you can think of. :P
Quote from MegaMyke:
I'm really hoping that was a joke...  Because, well That's a crazy to be banned.
I'm not sure what "that's a crazy to be banned" means, but I'm going to assume you thought he was being serious.  Let's just say you're as banned as Metal.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Quote from MegaMyke:
....but once you bring up the fact that anime is just a bunch of cartoons..

Well, technically, they are....
Just making sure I'm still here... Ok... I'm very sorry Toozin!  :P
First, i kinda think too fast and skip words to complete my thoughts which is why the grammer typo-ish thingy was there.  Second, No...  I didn't know Toozin was kidding...  He didn't say anythign after that...  It seemed as just a "Die because I feel like it"  kinda thing..  It was all...  Banned...  Period!

Third....  I don't mean to be rude when I say freaks, which is why they're in quotes...  Quotes make the world go round!  And I just refer to "Anime Freaks"  as the people who can tell you the date the thingy was actually finished, if it was cancelled could go on a two hour speech about why, and that, while standing outside...  Fight with invisible lightsabers...  and like it....

I didn't wanna type that much!!!!
Didn't someone try to skip every other minor word in one of their posts? Let me try that:

Though enjoy most anime, wouldn't call myself freak about, anyway, get info EGM, pick things up from articles reviews junk. Somehow, learn companies famous their games. No conspiracy anything.

Anyway, to say just that "Xbox is the most powerful" is vastly misleading. If GBA can show you anything, it's that even systems with inferior capabilities can have superior games, even in terms of graphics. MZM, though sprite based, had very detailed and intricate artwork, and was overall superior in looks even to many Xbox games. The real place excellence shows is in the work of the programmers, which I why I'm such a Nintendo fanboy.  :)
Quote from MegaMyke:
I'm really hoping that was a joke...  Because, well That's a crazy to be banned. 

And also...  how do you people know all this stuff about all these systems and stuff?  All I know is Xbox is performance better and I'm stickin with that.  Also all I know is that Natsume makes Harvest Moon, Capcom makes Megaman, and Rare makes Donkey Kong.  Do you get...  Like...  A special magazine or something?  Do you have connection?  What!?  What crazy foof this is, just as bad as some of those "Anime Freaks"  at school...  Sure they may seem pretty nice on the outside, but once you bring up the fact that anime is just a bunch of cartoons..  Whew!...  Uhh...  Crazy?

Well, i keep up to date with gaming and PC news, thanks to a VERY great site http://www.gametab.com
Xbox is better in performance in some factors, worse than others, however, this is not anything i personally care about much.
Natsume DOES NOT make harvest Moon, Victor interactive (marvelous interactive now) makes harvest moon, natsume just publishes and (poorly) translates it.
Capcom does make megaman.  nice job.
Rare didn't *make* donkey Kong, nintendo "made" donkey kong, Rare has just used his character for the last 4 games or so.  Since rare left nintendo, Donkey Kong is once again 100% nintendo property.
Special Magazine? nah, not at all.  This stuff isn't in any sort of magazine, the internet is a very useful place.
Anime?  Whats wrong with that?  Cartoons (if you want to call it that) is just as great of a form of media as Live action, CG or books are.  Sure, it may "just be a cartoon" but theyre amazingly well told stories.  Likewise, Japan makes anime more often htan live action for a simple reason.  They have it in their minds that live action movies don't look as good, and are overall bad.. so, therefore, any live action in japan is usually with a far smaller budget than anime. 
Which completes the ugly circle, surprising isn't it?
(likewise, its how in america, people think cartoons are mainly for kids)
That said, the current rumors are stating that the whole SK leaving thing is just an exuberant gag by Denis, and knowing denis, this seems like its VERY likely.