If they are going to take awhile you might want to order online. But then you have to pay shipping and handling (although you don't pay tax so it's about the same either way) and have to wait for it to arrive.
But yeah, normal dept. stores like Target/Walmart/etc usually are not the best at getting this games right away. If you want them quick you are better off going to someplace like Electronics Botique or GameStop.
i just got lucky and managed to waltz into bestbuy when they were all on display.
it was all "hey, do you guys have the new metroid?" and he was all "turn around" so i did, and he gave me one. and then i said "can i have 2 more please?" and he went all" O_o" and then gave me 2 more. and then i went to the checkout lady and she was all "O_o" and i payed for all 3. and i made nearly 15$ profit.
it was all "hey, do you guys have the new metroid?" and he was all "turn around" so i did, and he gave me one. and then i said "can i have 2 more please?" and he went all" O_o" and then gave me 2 more. and then i went to the checkout lady and she was all "O_o" and i payed for all 3. and i made nearly 15$ profit.
I think it's amazing. I am even thinking it may be my favorite of the series even though Super has been my all-time favorite game since i got it back when it came out originally.
The reason Super takes longer than Fusion the first time is... you don't have some damn computer telling you exactly where to go! I beat Fusion in 2:10 my first time through!