Well this crumble block was pretty irritating, but not hard. Took almost 45 seconds to get.
Super Metroid items, almost all items is harder get than Zero Mission crumble block missile expansion.
EDIT: actually there are two crumble room expansions and both expansions is hard to get.
Hardest one is in 4 zapper room expansion without ziplines.
EDIT 2: i see 4 zapper room expansion is impossible get. I not can jump enought high. Looks possible, but it impossible.
EDIT: i complete that easy challenge. -135 missile -3 energy tank (you can get 4 energy tank if you less one missile exapnsion) -Lot main items.
I not know forget i something, but i think this is max items, without killing any bosses and minibosses. Norfair lava room missile expansion is impossible get because i have only 2 energy tank max, probably if i have 4-6 energy tank it is possible.
Super Metroid No boss/miniboss challenge is pure hell. No human challenge, only expect Red Scarlet.
No, it DEFINITELY isn´t! If you want to do it with 72% it is almost easy! But 73 % would be quite hard because of that power bomb!
Now to zero mission:(read it carefully!)
MAX nbmb % is 46% ( 160 missiles and 4 e-tanks)i read it of gamefaqs.com
I didn´t know that the e-tank of the ACID WORM is gettable without fighting him! And i didn´t know that the missile expansion of norfair is obtainable( It´s in the same lava pool as the power bomb expansion is!)
P.S. : In a room near Kraid there´s a missile expansion! If you get it, you have full 46% but you´re not able to leave: You would have had to kill Acid worm before, or you would need to kill Kraid to leave, otherwise you´re stuck! However, after it you could kill Kraid, but DO NOT save there if you haven´t full % !
1. That´s right! 2. My name is MR.X and not MR:X 3. i DO NOT have all items, i only gave the tips i read! 4. That seems to be the end of this topic! And a nbmb is way too easy on mzm! 5.Why getting charge beam? You´d have to kill the charge beamst for it!
If you have VisualBoyAdvance, open up the zero mission rom, click on cheats, then cheat list. From there, click on codebreaker, then copy the code into the code dialog box. Click ok and it should work.