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Ready and willing.
Quote from njahnke:
oh, that old thing? :P i've since ripped the shift keys off of my keyboard and fed them to my pet Limulus polyphemus. it's a good thing it's saved in my sig or i'd have to paste it in every time.

Hee hee... By-the-by, do you really have a pet horseshoe crab?
i wish i did. :/ as they grow older, they need real salt water to live, though, and that's expensive. :/
soaking through
I'm confused...  If you had no shift keys, how do you type ":"?  Yet if you had shift keys, seeing as you're a linguist student (I think), I'd presume (and hope) you'd use capitals...
Quote from Izo:
I'm confused...  If you had no shift keys, how do you type ":"?  Yet if you had shift keys, seeing as you're a linguist student (I think), I'd presume (and hope) you'd use capitals...

See, what happens is he copies and pasts from the colons and such elsewhere on the page. If there's none of what he needs available, he has a reference file on his desktop with every character in it.
You can also click the smiley and let that create the : for you.
as a linguist, i also know that having two cases of letters when one will do is a pretty rare (and mostly pointless) stunt. ;)
soaking through
Curse you, you slippery linguist!

But seriously, do you have a shift key/shift keys?
wouldn't that be like explaining away the force in star wars by saying it's caused by little organisms, and there isn't really anything mysterious about it at all?

oh wait.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Ready and willing.
The point of capital letters is for people who don't put two spaces at the end of every sentence, like I assume nate does.

otherwise, it kind gets hard to read. even if you put in the period. the period is a pretty small thing. at least in non-fixed-width fonts. n00bs can be very very hard to read even with periods. do you see my point? well, it's not as noticable here for some reason.
how about never punctuating anything and always connecting together random phrases that do not relate at all i like pie see like that but only worse because jumping through different at random times seems only since hard to understand grammar or else i would also mispel things and also abbr wo usg punct is lamezors

Quote from Yoshi348:
it's not as noticable here for some reason.

Quote from Yoshi348:
the period is a pretty small thing. at least in non-fixed-width fonts.
Ready and willing.
I know this ISN'T a fixed-width font... just look at the i. Maybe the font has more room around the period, tho.
soaking through
Quote from Yoshi348:
The point of capital letters is for people who don't put two spaces at the end of every sentence, like I assume nate does.

I do that.  I'm just old fashioned and pedantic. :D

Exception to the rule:  Smilies.
of course courier [new] is a fixed width font. what are you smoking, yoshi. :P
Ready and willing.
...oh. Remember, I use SubSilver, not smartDark!
Considering he's not using the traditional m2k2 theme for the board... Rolling Eyes
there are other themes?!?!!? *deletes!!!!!11*
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
This board looks really weird in SubSilver...