Don't have any time right now but the only thing that comes to mind is that her ear is really pointed. The hand may also be too big again but I'm not sure. Her right iris is probably a bit too high or simply has too much of the top part visible; I'd expect the lid to cover more. The left iris is perhaps a bit too high as well or maybe just too covered byt the almost invisible top lid, and the eye shape is somewhat angular, like a truncated diamond. The visible portion of the eye might be a bit too big; the overall outline looks about the right size but I expect more of it to be lid. Probably want to soften the lines on the knuckles a bit since they're the same darkness as the outline of the hand (which itself is much darker than the arm and indeed most of the drawing) and tend to look like rings. Index finger segment that's parallel to the picture plane looks a bit too long; nice foreshortening on the rest of that finger though.
Overall, unless I'm missing something drastic, I think this is one of your best pieces. The face is very well done and the pose looks really natural. Touch up the eyes and flesh out the hair a bit so it doesn't look like a helmet, and give her a left forearm, and consider coloring it as you did that one of towel girl. On second thought, it might work best just as a b&w pencil drawing, though I'm not sure how to handle the overdark outlines on the hand -- I don't know much about media. I'd really like to see you fine-tune this one; it's very good.
Overall, unless I'm missing something drastic, I think this is one of your best pieces. The face is very well done and the pose looks really natural. Touch up the eyes and flesh out the hair a bit so it doesn't look like a helmet, and give her a left forearm, and consider coloring it as you did that one of towel girl. On second thought, it might work best just as a b&w pencil drawing, though I'm not sure how to handle the overdark outlines on the hand -- I don't know much about media. I'd really like to see you fine-tune this one; it's very good.