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red chamber dream
i'm not sure why people think this is a new development in the video game businesses. there were hundreds and sometimes thousands of shitty games for every console. just like movies, books, and everything else the overwhelming majority of them will be terrible. there will also always be a few great games.
New development? Did everyone forget the 80s and the crash already?

But yeah, that's how it is with any type of art/media because everyone has the ability to create something if they choose to. Can the amateurs be good? Yeah, definitely. But sadly, most of the time we get thousands or millions of terrible pieces before someone can rise above that and make something golden.
Quote from kesvalk:
... everyone is making games as fast as possible, caring mostly about the way it looks, and little about the way it plays...

Agreed.  This is why a 16bit game like Super Metroid is a better video game than most of today, regardless of huge leaps in processing power and other technology.
Super looked great and played great back when it came out. It's a swing and hit in both graphics and gameplay.
I know I've ripped on some people for complaining about this game, but it's really starting to look like there's virtually no level of interactivity.  That was my favorite thing about Prime, the fact that you could do almost anything you felt like.  Now it seems like all you can do is walk and shoot. 
red chamber dream
you don't really do much in any of the other metroid games besides walk and shoot either. there's the morph ball too but i'm sure there'll be plenty of that in other m.
In Prime, you can walk, shoot, use Morph Ball/Bombs/Boost/Spider Ball, Grapple Beam, Scan/Thermal/X-ray visors, Space Jump, Scan Dash, Triple Bomb Jumps and the like.  There's an array of maneuvering techniques at your disposal, and it doesn't look like there's much to do in Other M.  There are some fantastic games where walking and shooting are quite literally your only actions (Resident Evil), but we need more general maneuverability in games now.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
To be fair, you can't really expect them to show off much as far as upgrades go before the game's release. Got to leave some surprises for the player.
red chamber dream
well actually, i'm not sure why i was defending other m in the first place. the game looks shitty, remember? :P
Quote from tomatobob:
To be fair, you can't really expect them to show off much as far as upgrades go before the game's release. Got to leave some surprises for the player.

That's entirely true.  Prime got the same sort of skepticism as Other M, and look how that turned out.
I just KNOW this first person thing is gonna piss me right off.
Quote from penguinseatsocks:
In Prime, you can walk, shoot, use Morph Ball/Bombs/Boost/Spider Ball, Grapple Beam, Scan/Thermal/X-ray visors, Space Jump, Scan Dash, Triple Bomb Jumps and the like.

I've seen the grapple in some screenshots, and there's a lot of morph ball tunnels from what I've seen in videos. Only other item I've really noticed otherwise was that short segment in one of the videos with the Screw Attack. But yeah, it doesn't surprise me that they aren't showcasing the items as much because they've been focusing on the story elements of the game.

Speaking of which, I noticed over on Metroid Database the other day they mentioned a few things we haven't seen over here yet. Something about the game supposedly having at least an hour of cutscenes, as well as a new weapon called the Diffusion Beam where a bunch of beams break off from a Charge Beam blast or something along that line. (As in once a charge shot connects you get a bunch of beams that break off from the impact, if I read it right.)
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Spending an hour of game time not playing the game sounds great!
Hey, Fusion was almost like that, and it was fucking great.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
People are supposed to learn from their mistakes though.
Tell that to Square Enix.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
they've been a lost cause for centuries.
Indie Lover
centuries?i thought squareenix was created some years ago (2002~2004, don't remember de exact year)

anyway, you guys forgot the speed booster shown in the first trailer in E3 2009...
I like turtles.
I hope that eventually Nintendo brings the series back to its sequence-breaking roots.  Without glitches.  Like Zero Mission.  Not only did ZM allow for sequence-breaking and item skips, but it actually encouraged them.  Is it a coincidence that many regard it as the best Metroid title out there?

Whereas I'm not really getting my hopes up for Other M to be non-linear, what with the authorization system or whatever they're calling it.  This game looks like it'll be a blast, but I'm not sure how much of a Metroid game it will be.
lol. i'm not sure how many people like zero mission around here.
coral to complement blue
I don't, but it's certainly not because of the "fake sequence breaking". I would welcome something like that at this point.
I freaking love Zero Mission. Better than Fusion, anyway.
Edit history:
Idkbutlike2: 2010-07-20 04:15:44 pm
Idkbutlike2: 2010-07-20 04:15:35 pm
Idkbutlike2: 2010-07-20 04:15:22 pm
Zero Mission is too easy and too short. Adding extra content like the original Metroid and a bunch of ending bromides doesn't make up for those faults. Neither does hard mode. But aside from that, it's a pretty good game.
I like turtles.
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Neither does hard mode.

Not even a <15% Hard Mode run?
That's kid shit compared to a 1% Fusion run :P