I wasn't really referring to the pace, but the 'wow, stuff blew up, and yeah, and stuff. Oh, oh, it blew something else up. And you can pimp out the ship!' Basically treating us like we're five.
I'm totally open to adding physical combat to metroid. It can be an addition to metroid without taking away the things in it that are already cool. I remember when metroid went 3D I was totally pissed and thought that there was NO way that it could work. I believed this because one of my favorite things about metroid up until that point was samus' acrobatics, which would practically disappear in a first person view.
To me the coolest thing that could happen to modern 3D metroid would be ALL third person view. I want to see samus pulling off cool moves, not just her arm cannon coming into my hud view or her in ball form. If bringing melee/physical combat into the game takes more time away from being in first person then it's a good thing IMO.
I just hope we don't forget what Metroid is about, and get too hung up on the WHAM, BLAM, YEAH, BADASS, BOOM, EXPLOSION, FACE PUNCH, BODYSLAM, WOW!
Advanced Combat can add additional depth to a metroid game (also movement-combos would be a brilliant step), but EXPLOSION, FACE PUNCH, BODYSLAM does not necessarily add depth to the combat.
Everyone is starting to sound like warpath now. Also, I'm all up for physical combat. The power suit is supposed to give Samus augmented strength so Ridley should really be in pain when Samus kicks his shin with some good old Iron Ted.
I agree that extra, direct combat could be a good thing - I just don't want to see it take the focus off other things. The combat, particularly if it's melee should be an additional move to an existing moveset, but should not be the primary focus in a Metroid game. Her cannon would become kind of superfluous otherwise.
It should be mixed, no the focal point but not forgotten either. Because face it, there is none of a more funny way to go then getting hit in the balls(diodes, crystals, whatever they call em) with the arm cannon then sinking to the ground and getting eye level with the cannon as it de-atomizes your face off. Using a new method but not forgetting the main idea of the game.