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While rummaging for information last night, I stumbled across an interesting post made by Master ZED:

Quote from Master ZED:
I will say this however; the dark water is the only reason Light Suit is unskippable. The light leading to and from the Sky Temple doesn't require the Light Suit to work, and Hive Entrance was solved without Light Suit and Screw Attack for NSJ game purposes (though the wallcrawl is a huge pain in the ass just because of the Unseen Way/Culling Chamber door (dunno if that second room name is right)).

The post is in a small topic on gamefaqs, so you may not have seen it before. The latter half of it is common knowledge (although I'm not sure anyone's ever attempted that wallcrawl before without the Light Suit). The first half on the other hand I at least have never heard of before. If anyone knows anything about it, tell me. I want to know what he's talking about.

Whether or not accessing the Sky Temple without the Light Suit is possible (I'm giving Master ZED benefit of the doubt), the problem of acquiring the Sky Temple Keys submerged in dark water remains. On that end, I recall a pair of old topics I also found recently.


Flamancipator jumps into a room as it secretizes around him to allow himself to grab an expansion. This isn't anything new, and Miles does something like it in the new 100% IIRC. What's different is that Flamancipator also has dark water load around him after dropping beneath where the surface would be. DJGrenola claims in the second topic that you can get stuck in the dark water if it fully loads around you. Speed and method may play a factor.

I do need to ask a question. To what extent can elements of the environment be effected in secretized rooms? I know, for instance, that power bomb gates are destructible, but can beacons be activated? Enemies destroyed? Skipping the Light Suit looks like a stretch (if anything would be the killer, it would probably be Dungeon), but I'm still interested in knowing how much of this is possible at this time.
Thread title: 
I have no idea if key caches are destroyable while the room's invisible, but the problem isn't getting into the dark water; it's getting back out while there's an invisible ceiling covering the entire top of it.

And yeah, you can get into the Sky Temple without the Light Suit, I've personally done it.
It's possible to get out, apparently, but I can't find a video of anyone successfully doing it. :(

Quote from MilesSMB:
And yeah, you can get into the Sky Temple without the Light Suit, I've personally done it.

How? Does the game not care as long as you have the keys?
Edit history:
MilesSMB: 2011-05-05 10:56:51 pm
Yeah, the warp to the Sky Temple and the warps between areas don't care if you actually have it or not.
Cool. Thanks.
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DJGrenola: 2011-05-06 05:50:04 am
DJGrenola: 2011-05-06 05:49:33 am
Flamancipator and The Pizza Boy claimed to have got out of the dark water in possession of the power bomb, but neither of them made a video of it so I was always very sceptical of the claim.

I might as well put my "not-quite" video back up here. (Yes, I still have it, six years on)
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
anyone tested IS to get keys?
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from itsPersonnal:
anyone tested IS to get keys?

how do you kill the ing caches to spawn the keys?
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
Quote from itsPersonnal:
anyone tested IS to get keys?

how do you kill the ing caches to spawn the keys?

would IS not kill it when you boost?

also miles, have you tested the idea i posted on your one energy tank quad skip?

(has anyone tested SAing across that room with quad. to save time and heath cause if that works we could have 6%

i think the rooms to big to SA across with out stoping on the wall then SAing again but you dont lose much heath when SAing and i think you can get past the rest of the rooms with out any tanks with crazy ass miles skillz)
Quote from DJGrenola:
Flamancipator and The Pizza Boy claimed to have got out of the dark water in possession of the power bomb, but neither of them made a video of it so I was always very sceptical of the claim.

I might as well put my "not-quite" video back up here. (Yes, I still have it, six years on)

Nice. I thought you would. Cool video.
Quote from itsPersonnal:
(has anyone tested SAing across that room with quad. to save time and heath cause if that works we could have 6%

i think the rooms to big to SA across with out stoping on the wall then SAing again but you dont lose much heath when SAing and i think you can get past the rest of the rooms with out any tanks with crazy ass miles skillz)

Um... the problem with screw-attacking in a SW is that if you don't land on something solid you get stuck in the screw-attack animation forever OR if you hit a wall you fall endlessly.

Also you'd lose all your energy BEFORE you get up to that point so there really isn't a point in doing that.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
forget it i already thought of that too but yeah its impossible because this wasp things in the dark temple ruins will gladly kill you :S
Don't cross me, or I will kill you!
FINAL. It is IMPOSSIBLE to not have the Light Suit, because Dark Aether is TOO LARGE to escape conventionally and still leave adequate time to fight Dark Samus. It is possible to skip the Dark Suit, because IT does not have the ability to warp between the Light Shafts.

The escape can be completed in less than a minute. With the Dark Suit and no tanks, you can survive for about 83 seconds. And the Light Suit has nothing to do with warping to the Sky Temple.

Please stop posting if you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
Don't cross me, or I will kill you!
I've got an idea of it. I just know what is what. And, while you're being damaged by the atmosphere, you are also being damaged by Dark Samus. Just like the Boost Guardian.
Dark Samus is pathetically easy to avoid.
Just to kinda re-rail this thread.

Quote from MilesSMB:
Dark Samus is pathetically easy to avoid.

Maybe, but you ARE still taking damage from the atmosphere and possibly Phazon via misstep. What drops consumables in the DS4 fight? (Every time I watch you guys fight her, you almost never take damage and I never see any drops)
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MilesSMB: 2011-10-04 01:01:23 am
Nothing drops health, but that doesn't stop the fact that you can do the fight fast enough to not die. >_>

(though this is all kind of pointless because good luck getting anywhere near getting to the Sky Temple in the first place...)
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TheOthin: 2011-10-04 03:04:30 pm
With the checkpoint, perfection shouldn't be too difficult, right?
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
im confused...

how do you get the sky temple keys without light suit? can somebody show me that with a video or something?
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MilesSMB: 2011-10-04 05:12:07 pm
You don't.

In the theoretical situation where you could (under low% conditions), you could complete the Sky Temple. Basically I'm just saying that Loudclaw's reasons for not being able to skip the Light Suit are completely wrong. <_<
Don't cross me, or I will kill you!
Tomatobob, come to my Private thread. We need to talk.
Tbob didn't even POST in this thread!
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Loudclaw: 2011-10-04 05:32:12 pm
Don't cross me, or I will kill you!
I saw him looking at it. He was in Viewing.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
ok good i dont know why this thread is here lol