I found a way to rise a nbmb by 2% in the golden trozio room get the missles and super missles and if we had both spazer and plasma we can get out of the room.first get both run to the LEFT wall then presws start equip plasma spazer ice and charge hold charge when the screen goes black and show samuse you will shoot the air with the beam then shoot a charge shot on the wall the hold left then your back in the room you came from
But i think in a Nbmb you cant DEFEAT bosses your not killing him are you :D
i will make a ZMV
but i miss the missle
be warned if you fell in the hole and miss the missle it wont be there when you go back in
But i think in a Nbmb you cant DEFEAT bosses your not killing him are you :D
i will make a ZMV
but i miss the missle
be warned if you fell in the hole and miss the missle it wont be there when you go back in
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