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haha no problem
did you fuck up sjf lol
at first doing sj first i seemed to land correctly
but then i shot off straight forward at even higher speed and slammed into that rock where the door out to chozo is
urmom slammed into my cock
sometimes i miss the dashes and i need to not do the dashes if i miss them the first time because it seems to be serial
lol yeah if you fail anything like that once i would just take it easy the next time
not really sure what happened there
fuck, shouldn't have drunk all that orange juice
know why that happened ... because i unmorphed before i moved the stick
i knew it was going to happen and i still did it anyway
lol ... that fight
wow, i never dumped the previous room
that's why i kill that thing
okay i'm back
how's it going so far
pretty shitty
that was weird
it's easy for forget when i don't play it for a long time how fucking glitchy this game is
What happened?
random stall as the ball but it was very long
and appeared to be in midair