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Use \ before commas in usernames
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
I did read the rules another time.
But I saw no info on this.

So my questions are:
Can I get a name change?
Would some thing be needed?

I know I should have PMed a mod/admin. But I don't want to clog up their In box with out know if you can get a name change or not. :/

Sorry if I am being a pest.
Thread title: 
Just pm nate, telling him the name you want.
red chamber dream
Can also just PM me the name you want and I'll take care of it. We don't exactly condone name changes here, but since you're a relatively new/unknown user, I don't really care.
Hated by all
Although [this may be obvious], if the name change request succeeds, and if anybody wonders who it is, just be sure to put his original/login username in his profile page.