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Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Yes, was it not there? O.o
Every Bit Counts
No, it wasn't, and it is still not there. Do I need to wait hours for it to appear? This hack is really, really hard. Any help? I want to play this.
Lol, N00bsmasher... A really funny name. :P

Unfortunately N00bsmasher smashes itself, since the first room is already screwed up in v1.0. The author should really do one beta test at least, before releasing a new hack.
Every Bit Counts
Just as I was hopeing to play a new hack.
Guys im so sorry, the patch went wrong! I've uploaded a new one that i think should work.
Every Bit Counts
Nice Hack. Very hard. I like it. Thanks for the correct patch.

Edit: Am I suppost to be here this early?

C;ear time 00:24
item collection rate: 23%

Nice short hard hack.  I loved the metroids.
Every Bit Counts
Am I suppost to be where I'm at? Also, is this how I was suppost to get there (and back)?
Almost happy
Fano7: I have not checked your file but if you mean that you came to tourian very ealry then yes that is supposed to happen.

Cleartime 00:16
Item collection 23% (Guess that's the max)

Somewhat entertaining but certainly did not send me through the roof. Tourian and MB first phase was such a pain BTW Wink
Every Bit Counts
How do you get past the deathtroids? Or can you post an smv of the run?
Eschews avatars
00:20    23%, even though I collected speed booster about five times XD

Fano7: the deathtroids can be damaged by ordinary beam shots; use the missile if you're in a tough spot. A good tactic I found was to jump up and down and letting them circle around me, hitting them with charged shots every time they looped in front of me. In the very last room, you'll have to go a little more freestyle. Also, keep in mind that if you're being sucked up and you hit a Rinka, you'll actually live longer.

Fun little hack overall (I especially liked the extra little vulnerability of Mother Brain. Felt very cool to take her down with teh peashooter). How did you get the PLMs to trigger on one block but appear on another?
Just beated it. Nice little and hard hack. The deathmetroids are indeed almost as fast as the ones from Impossible. It was a great idea to remove ice and allow normal damage, making them really challenging.

Is Charge Beam available in this hack? I never found it for some reason...

Anyway here is my first time playthrough, recorded on Snes9x 1.43+ v9. Hope you like my deathtroids strategy. :)
Every Bit Counts
It's in the first room. Rember when you came in from the left side after the speed booster? If you kept on going right, you could have jumped over the spike pit, into a breakable wall, and from there, a mock ball. Or, you could do what I did and do a Super-Short Sharge into a mockball. BTW, it's near the lower left door.
Hope that helped. I can show an smv I you want. Also, is 20% the lowest% for this hack (Skip Grapple via Shine Spark or Bomb Jumping, and the energy tank via pause screen abuse)?
Almost happy
I'm making a TAS of this game to see if it's possible to break 00:10 :P
I'm almost up to tourian so far, the level of optimization is not sky high though ~2 minutes in to the run I think it can be improoved by a second or two.

I'll skip charge beam since it only does 3x the damage of normal shots and fire 0.25x as fast.
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Cpadolf:
I'll skip charge beam since it only does 3x the damage of normal shots and fire 0.25x as fast.

That do not make any sense. Mockballing there is way faster. All though you can stop before sliding down and picking it up. But that time is not really wort it, Or is it?
Almost happy
It will look smoother not to take it. But come to think of it it might save a few frames in the end since you can charge it when there are no enemies around. Either way the differens will be less then 1 second in favour for the fastest choice and not taking it will look smoother so I'll skip it.
Every Bit Counts
So I guess I'll try a 20%.
Almost happy
The shitroidz are nearly impossible to do quick, thoose battles will likely be quite suboptimal, I'm done with one room in tourian so far.
Every Bit Counts
How many shots does it take to kill a deathtroid?
Almost happy
They have 300hp, A normal shot does 20 damage a charged 60 and a missile 100. You do the math Wink
Every Bit Counts
Thanks for the numbers. They take 15 normal hits. Man this pause screen abuse is tireing. I just got the bombs. I'll post my 20% run when I'm finished, unless people want me to do it earlier. Rolling Eyes Wink
im happy you guys enjoyed it, though, more than i thought have finished it. nice work on finding the charge beam, and isn't the escape sequence just evil? :D
Every Bit Counts
yeah. I'm almost done with the pause screen abuse in my 20% run.
In my opinion, four rooms of deathtroids is just tedious.

Don't get me wrong, I think mini-hacks like this are great.  It's just that I've spent far too much time repeatedly dying in slow motion.
yeah, i should either reduce the deathtroid rooms or add more normal rooms, preferably the latter. I expect version 1.0 isn't the last anyway.