The Dark Knight: Heres how I see it. All the things you quoted from the box only say something like "the full story", implying that they only added more to zero mission, not made an entirely differently story.
The box states that Zero Mission is Samus' first mission and her first adventure. Metroid is not her first mission or her first adventure.
The Dark Knight: The map design is different because zero mission has a whole different type of gameplay and graphics. The programmers wouldnt bother to make the two games exact replicas, and again, some of it is different because of the gameplay.
Things that should be the same are not.
What happened to the ceiling detail? Was this all forgotten, or is this a timeframe before the pirates built that ceiling?
These look very different from one another. Metroid’s image shows more pirate construction on the area, where as Zero Mission’s is mostly a basic and plain cave.
A wall carving as detailed as Metroid’s reduced to a mere lump of a face that you would see in a preschooler’s clay model class? I think not. This is a case of more detail coming in at a later timeframe.
In one we have an elevator in a cave of stone and brick. In the other we have an elevator in a room made of metal. These pictures show that the pirates expanded upon their bases between Zero Mission and Metroid.
Yet another case of downgrading if Zero Mission were a remake.
Where did that huge area with the lava pit and Energy take way at the end go? This cannot be a case of the designers simply forgetting what went there.
For being so much more powerful than the NES, the GBA certainly displays some plain and basic structures, don’t you think? The NES version of these areas is more detailed, and this is because Metroid takes place in a later time frame. Even though the NES was 8-bit, it still displayed more detailed areas.
So tell me, which version looks more like the following?
This next one is not an area, but it does prove something…
Do you notice something a little different here? It is Samus’ suit color. If you obtain the Varia Suit before fighting Kraid, this scene will display the color of Samus’ Varia Suit instead of the regular yellow color for the Power Suit. What does this prove? It proves that the designers spared no expense at making this game match the facts. They intentionally put a code in the game to recognize which suit Samus has while entering Kraid’s room so that this scene would display the proper color.
If they cared about this one little detail, then surely they would care about the MAJOR differences between the above pictures as well as others that I showed in my presentation.
The Dark Knight: And finally, I believe that everyone knows its a remake, and it would almost be like "betraying" them if nintendo reveals that zero mission has a totally different story.
It would not be a betrayal, because Nintendo never presented the game as a remake in the first place.
Chanoire: Dai: Explain how the advertising phrases you quoted could NOT apply to a remake. Or what phrases you would expect them to use if it were a remake that are different from what they did use.
They cannot apply to a remake of Metroid because Metroid is not Samus' first mission.
Besides stating "Metroid mission" or something similar, I think a remake ad would have said that we would relive Samus' adventure from the NES Metroid and learn the true story of those events.
Dr. Trence: no offense Dai, but all this info is bogus.
No, all of that info comes from the official source, Nintendo. You cannot argue with the company that made the game.
Dr. Trence: the advertisments dont have anything to do with it becoming a prequel. the rest of your info doesnt have anything to do with it.
Becoming a prequel? It IS a prequel. The ads all state that it is Samus' first mission. Metroid had numerous missions take place before it. If Metroid has missions before it, and Zero Mission is the FIRST mission, then doesn't that make Zero Mission a prequel?
Dr. Trence: now, i have a question:
if it ever was a prequel, then wouldnt that alter the official metroid time-line, then screwing up the story?
if it ever was a prequel, then wouldnt that alter the official metroid time-line, then screwing up the story?
No. If it did, I probably would not think of it as a prequel.
Dr. Trence: The MP2 bonus disk has the metroid time-line on it, (the official one) and it doesnt have ZM before metroid. What you're saying is that nintendo made this typo on purpose, then hid the fact that ZM is a prequel?
The bonus disc timeline may just be something Retro threw together at the last minute. However, the timeline may indicate that Samus told Zero Mission’s events after Metroid, but the actual events took place before Metroid. Since Zero Mission is just one big flashback and narration of Samus at a later point in time, this is one likely possibility. In any case, the timeline does not show Zero Mission as a remake either, rather as a sequel, which is not possible.
Dr. Trence: like what dark knight said in an earlier post, if that is true, then we, the people would think that they "betrayed" us.
That would not make it true though.
Dr. Trence: why would nintendo do that? nintendo isnt stupid enough to do that sorta thing, and if you theroy is true, and gets out to the public, then that would ruin nintendos rep.
No it would not. There are many fans that think Zero Mission is a prequel, even though they drew their conclusions with half the evidence I have presented. Every since Zero Mission was advertised, many fans knew it was a prequel. All following evidence has just backed up that belief.
Dr. Trence: answer that, and tell me why nintendo did those things on purpose just so they could hide the fact the ZM is a prequel.
I do not see any case of where Nintendo tricked you into thinking that the game was a remake. I have heard of some Nintendo Power comments made by ignorant editors that were later retracted by NOA, but all of the official information points to it being a new adventure, and one that takes place before Metroid.
SamusAranLuver: er wtf nintendo made the game. if they made it a remake then its a remake.
They did not say that. They said it was a new mission. That makes it a new mission.
Dr. Trence: Dai wrote:
“For the first time ever, the real story behind Samus Aran’s first mission is told, including new details about the origins of the legendary bounty hunter.” – Zero Mission website
doesnt say anything about a new story. it basically means
"Experience samus' first adventure, with new details about her true past"
“For the first time ever, the real story behind Samus Aran’s first mission is told, including new details about the origins of the legendary bounty hunter.” – Zero Mission website
doesnt say anything about a new story. it basically means
"Experience samus' first adventure, with new details about her true past"
The new story is mentioned in the reference to it being the first mission, which is one we had never played before that.
Dr. Trence: first time is referring to samus' first mission, mission is the subject of the sentence, first is referring to the subject, first is also the adj., which explains that the mission was her first, making it "Metroid". learned that in CORE class a while back, a pointless lesson, but it does prove that your post actually meant that it is a remake
But the NES Metroid is not Samus' first mission. That is what I am trying to tell you. Here is a quote from the Metroid manual:
"The space hunter chosen for this mission is Samus Aran. [She] is the greatest of all the space hunters and has completed numerous missions that everybody thought were absolutely impossible." - Metroid prologue
I hope you see why Zero Mission is a prequel now. Metroid had missions before it, and Zero Mission is the first of those missions.
13M13: Ask one artist to redesign an elevator featured in a prior game...
Why would one do that though, unless it was to create a new mission?