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I've finally ditched the ukshells account that I have used for the past seven years to host all sorts of things. There will be many links (usually to videos) provided by me on this forum, and possibly on the prime 2 wiki, that contain URLs like http://www.ali1548.ukshells.co.uk/.../. None of these links will work any more.

I tarballed and downloaded the entire content of the account, so if there is a particular file that was hosted on ukshells that you need for whatever reason, please let me know and I'll consider making it available elsewhere.

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Phazar: 2008-11-15 07:04:23 pm
Is that why your avatar doesn't seem to be working, either?  All I see is a black box with a red "X" in the upper left-hand corner.
What the fuh? It's working properly to me. pwuh

Or maybe it's just my cache...
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I almost said it's fine for me too, then I refreshed and it disappeared. >_>

EDIT: it reappeared again. O_o
Still not here for me.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Oh I see, it appears every time I open a page, but if I click back, it disappears. Must be another firefox glitch or something?
Ah ... thanks, I forgot that was hosted on ukshells. Should work now.
Ah, I see it now.