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lol no way
It like disappeared didn't it? No resolution?
Anyway I thought tbob was just saying how gfaqs guys only make statements, not cases. Doesn't mean the guy's right or anything, but the case that the gfaqs kids could've made, well, turtle's doing it pretty well now. But I think it's important to recognize that it is a pretty glitchless game other than the sector 2 gamebreaker.
I like turtles.
The gameplay is solid, no denying that.  I wish it were solid and more Metroid-y, but for what it is, it's done very well.
The gameplay is solid, no denying that.  I wish it were solid and more Metroid-y, but for what it is, it's done very well.

As long as you ignore "Where's Waldo's" -.-
Those are only horrendous on the first playthrough.

After that they take seconds to complete.
lol no way
They don't make sense story-wise, though, most of them freeze the action completely while Samus looks around, and then somehow by seeing the object that makes time unfreeze. Does she have a twix? Like the one with the larva, she falls in with a big loud clang and is all obnoxious, and then - freeze, look around until she spots the larva - then suddenly kihunters attack! But wouldn't they have just attacked as soon as she fell in? etc.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
Quote from MetroidJunkie:
Quote from Turtle:
What's there to head desk about?  Other M has several earmarks of bad writing, and GameFAQs has several earmarks of an unintelligent Internet forum.  Knowing GameFAQs, they're asserting the right things for the wrong reasons.

So.... because you feel it's a bad game, means it must be a bad game by fact and not opinion?

Quote from UchihaSasuke:
the game could be cosidered "bad" within the series since the only other game that gets a lot of hate is Hunters and all of the others have been received well by the media and casual metroid gamers but still, it is nowhere near shit like shovelware and low budget games.

I would consider that a factually flawed game, which pretty much everything is factually flawed in some way. You can't just say it's bad, and that's fact. I don't care how hated the game is, you don't go around, calling opinions fact. It leads to the degeneration of rational thought.

fail much?
i never called considering it bad a fact. it is the aggregate of the opinions that make it sit lower than the rest of the games of the series but there could be people who have it at the top of their list and consider it the best game in their opinion. doesn't make it the best game in the series by fact.
but you would be making a disservice calling it bad just based on pure hate. there's stuff that was done well regardless of opinions like the actual video quality of the cutscenes. you can't factor opinion into technical stats. the cutscenes might be badly written, acted, etc. but they look damn good. other stuff like graphics aren't the top of the line on Wii but they aren't bottom of the barrel either because there's many games that look much worse. stuff like gameplay, art style and music is where you can factor in opinions since those can be received differently regardless of actual technical merits.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from ajbolt89:
Anyway I thought tbob was just saying how gfaqs guys only make statements, not cases.

Yeah, I have very little faith in the general population of GFAQs to really make any kind of coherent argument for anything. An individual may actually be capable of it but it would be quick drowned out by the mob of stupid likely to swarm down on the thread. That's just how GFAQs rolls.

Other M does have enough flaws to put in in the realm of 'bad', but that's okay, people are allowed to enjoy bad games. Deadly Premonition is a bad game but still perfectly capable of entertaining. I actually consider Earthbound a bad game but I still love it and play it regularly.

Other M is just one of those games that some people just are not going to enjoy, it's issues stand out, and the game seems to want to throw them in you face as often as possible. Some people can over look them and have enough fun with what's done well (The big set piece encounters) to ignore the problems the game wants so badly to focus on (The writing, pacing, and presentation of the story. Most normal enemy encounters. Controls. Where's Waldo).

If you want to argue that the game is bad, there is certainly a factual grounding for the argument. Whether you care or not comes down to opinion, as arguments tend to do, and whether or not you are 'right' isn't really important. Unless you're on GFAQs in which case everyone is wrong.

But yeah, Turtle pretty much did what the GFAQs-er should have done

Quote from sabata2:
Those are only horrendous on the first playthrough.

Unless you've forgotten the pixel you need to find, then it's like your first time all over again!

Quote from ajbolt89:
They don't make sense story-wise, though, most of them freeze the action completely while Samus looks around, and then somehow by seeing the object that makes time unfreeze. Does she have a twix?

I would play the hell out of a game that let you literally go into Twix Time. Hold on guys,  I need a moment, let me chew it over with Twix!

I like turtles.
Quote from tomatobob:
Unless you've forgotten the pixel you need to find, then it's like your first time all over again!

Yeah, that happened to me a couple of times during my second playthrough.
Quote from ajbolt89:
They don't make sense story-wise, though, most of them freeze the action completely while Samus looks around, and then somehow by seeing the object that makes time unfreeze. Does she have a twix? Like the one with the larva, she falls in with a big loud clang and is all obnoxious, and then - freeze, look around until she spots the larva - then suddenly kihunters attack! But wouldn't they have just attacked as soon as she fell in? etc.

Really? Could've sworn they only attacked her because Little Birdie, being the manipulative little jerk he is, screeched so that they would be agitated and Samus would be forced to kill them.
I don't remember him being in that room, but I've only watched the cutscenes that first time I played so I could be wrong. But yeah, I remember it as Samus falls into the KiHunter nest, looks around a bit, and then they all ambush her.
Edit history:
sabata2: 2010-12-14 07:47:39 pm
He's definitely there after the fight.

And he DOES make a screech at one point.
I just can't remember if it's in the cutscene before the boss or before.

Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from sabata2:
Those are only horrendous on the first playthrough.
Unless you've forgotten the pixel you need to find, then it's like your first time all over again!
I guess I'll have to say it's situational then from now on. I have Landmark memory so if it stands out I remember what to do/where to go. I don't remember everything, but once I reach it I remember it.
Right, ok, yeah, I think I remember that now. I know he's simply staring at Samus the first time we see him after fighting those rolling armadillo guys on the way out of that room he kills the scientist in. But I just remembered now that you see him later munching on something and I think that's when he screeches at Samus, right?
Edit history:
ajbolt89: 2010-12-15 01:48:50 am
ajbolt89: 2010-12-15 01:48:28 am
lol no way
Right, in the bushes, right before Adam suspiciously ushers her on, only seconds before she would have blasted it.
See there probably are reasonable explanations to some of our questions, but they're very subliminal. I'm not sure if that's something that's a product of fans just trying to defend the game's integrity, or if it's a product of the story's mysterious nature. Being told from Samus's perspective, we're supposed to be sort of ignorant of certain developments throughout, so the desire to find explanations that aren't explicit is sort of fostered by the storytelling itself. I wonder how intentional that was.
Watch the scene again. You can clearly hear a screech before the ki hunters attack and Samus even questions, afterwards, if the bird is what made the screech.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Asking someone to watch an Other M cutscene again is like asking a dude to eat his testicles.
What a rational argument, nothing childish about that statement at all. Certainly far better than Gamefaqs.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I for one would be quite shocked to hear a child say such a thing. Indeed the idea of a child getting an idea like that into their innocent little mind is greatly worrying and I must question your description of the statement.

But perhaps it could be classy-ed up a bit:

Requesting that a human of any rational and sound mind review a rendered cinematic event in the video entertainment software entitled Metroid: Other M is much akin, in both feeling and nature, to requesting one of the male persuasion of the human species to remove their reproductive organs and place them into their oral cavity and masticating thoroughly so as to ensue full nourishment and proper digestion in that it would be quite a traumatic experience for the subject and a request to which they may be disinclined to acquiesce due to the previously asserted trauma associated with such action.
I like turtles.
You're all arguing about the wrong Waldo moment.  The truly implausible one is the one just before Ridley, where you can take all the time in the world to find the exit, and Ridley'll just sit tight and let you look around.
Maybe he can't see you because you're behind that pillar thing.
Indie Lover
the green in green is way worse...

and stop feeding tbob, metroid junkie, don't you know trolls get sick when they get fat?
Quote from kesvalk:
the green in green is way worse...

and stop feeding tbob, metroid junkie, don't you know trolls get sick when they get fat?

People exaggerate that, it's not green on green so much as green on yellow with some green. Am I the only one that thought the green spatter contrasted very nicely against the ground?

Really? I thought sarcasm was like arsenic for trolls.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
The where's waldo bit with the green blood wasn't bad because the blood was green, it stood out pretty well being much brighter than the grass, it was dumb because they pull your focus in the entirely opposite direction of the thing hat's supposed to be interesting. I don't think any of those segments before or after even allow you t turn all the way around, usually you can only go a little to the left or right.

Also sarcasm is literally what sustains me.
The green blood Where's Waldo is the only one that even remotely stumped me, and that's just because I left right before it started and thought I'd missed something. In subsequent playthroughs, I found it right away. It actually stands out pretty well.

The other Where's Waldo scenes were pretty obvious to me, even on my first playthrough.
lol no way
I thought you could be hit by Ridley's fireballs during that scene... that being the key reason I went with a different one. Junkie's right though, the little bird does make a little sound, I don't remember her statement being so explicit. Although she does say that it's sure gross how something so cute can be so opportunistic, which is what makes me think I may be wrong.