Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from SABERinBLUE:
...Space Jumping is a bit quicker and you don't hear the "tup" sound.
A. NO IT'S NOT! You have to fall down a bit before rejumping. I timed it on my fingers. ...okay, no I didn't. But
B. I LOVE THE TUP SOUND!!! That was the best thing about discovering the infamous wall jump! I was like "what are these guys talking about? What wall jump?" Then I tried it and was in tears over the beauty of the tup sound! [/exaggeration]
Well, one thing I thought was stupid was when I got the Gravity Suit, but couldn't use it because it was "incompatible with current suit." What's up with that? It is a suit! Why does a suit need to be compatible with another suit?