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World record. Done on emu, though. Each segment is streamlined very well; biggest mistakes cost maybe one second each.

Vets may be interested in: Perfect charge beam worm strat and perfect mother brain strat (I didn't do it perfectly but that's how it would happen).

VBA 1.7.1. No bios.

Thread title: 
Congrats on that time, but emulated runs aren't counted for world records.  Either way, I'm on pace for a 32:xx run right now (at Tourian in 16 minutes).  I would watch your video but I don't know how to work VBA files =/  *feels like a n00b*
Quote from GameCube04:
Congrats on that time, but emulated runs aren't counted for world records.  Either way, I'm on pace for a 32:xx run right now (at Tourian in 16 minutes).  I would watch your video but I don't know how to work VBA files =/  *feels like a n00b*

Just download them, then click Play Movie in one of the toolbars on the top. Click the movie and play it. Since he didn't use a BIOS you can't use one (It's the screen that pops up as soon as you turn the GB on. The flashing logo.) If that doesn't pop up when you start the game, you're good to go.

Be sure you're using the same version too.
That scared me for a minute, at first I thought you meant 33 hours. Nonetheless, good job.
I know metroid2002.com won't host it. I don't care; people can get it here if they want. And you're going to beat it, probably. It's my personal accomplishment.

Done on emu, though.
cant view it
The times are getting so low... I wonder how much time we could shave off by just not saving...
Well sub 30 minute run has been done on an emulator by using lots of savestates, so that is definately possible.  Although I don't think it will be ever done on a console.  I think the lowest a console will get is 31:xx.  I know I'll stop doing any% runs when my time gets that low.
I feel like a huge failure asking but.... what are save states? 

*runs in the corner and curls up so not to get yelled at for being a noob*
They're special saves avaulable only on emulators that allow you to literally save the current state of your game --  time, cheats, percentage, everything. If a savestate is used, it'll return the game to exactly the same point it was when you saved it. Which is why emulated runs are not allowed anymore, because with savestates everyone could be doing sub-1h runs by just loading the savestates whenever the screwed up.
Quote from DominicanZero:
They're special saves avaulable only on emulators that allow you to literally save the current state of your game --  time, cheats, percentage, everything. If a savestate is used, it'll return the game to exactly the same point it was when you saved it. Which is why emulated runs are not allowed anymore, because with savestates everyone could be doing sub-1h runs by just loading the savestates whenever the screwed up.

But what if there was an emulator that didn't have a save state feature, would they REQUIRE you to use that (or console) or would emu runs still be banned?
Save states has nothing to do with the banning of emulators, since you can't record and use save states unless you start a new recording from every load state in which case it would be bloody obvious you used save states.  At least until vba allows you to record continuous from save states, like that one nes emulator where all the cheated nes runs are coming from.

The reason for the ban is that you can record at a slower speed by turning off auto frameskip and then it plays back fine later, and baring that there's sections of the games that it just can't emulate worth crap and slows down hella. (best example is nightmare in fusion)
I know it was done on an emulator but a 33:17 with long beam is impressive cuz that eats up like 15-20 seconds easy