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Damski's post translated:
To be honest, I've taken for example those electronic devices from Fusion. Those blinking blue. But I've drawn that wall myself without copying. But I took the colors from Fusion too. Thanks for P.JMan for letting me know about the block sizes. But in my opinion I should design graphics fitting Super Metroid without any kinds of copying, I don't know if you accept that one.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
That's some pretty damn good work if you didn't directly copy from Fusion Wink
there was more added to the post but I cant translate it.
Sorry to butt in, but I felt like that last post by Damski needed to be translated entirely.

Quote from Damski:
Rehellisesti sanottuna minä otin tuosta metroid fusionista nuo elecktroniset sinisellä vilkkuvat laitteet ja muokannut. Mikä tuosta saa näyttämään fuusionilta on varmaanki värit. Otin fuusionista osa väreistä. Tiedän että tuo on kyllä tyhmästi tehty, eikä varmaan kannattaisi tehdä liian varmaanki kopsatusta väreistä tuota haxii.

Tiesin noissa mun tehdyssä grafikassa nuo palkit oli yli 16 pixsiä. Mun tarkotus olisi muuttaa noi 16pixeleiksi vasta kun tekisin sitä hax versiota.   

Mutta tällä hetkellä yritän tehdä ihan omanlailla tehtya grafikkaa, mikä ei ole kopsattua ja liian sekavaa. Sitten kuin olen tehnyt kaikki mapit ja sen muut. Niin pistän näytettäväksi osa kuvista tänne. Jos ne ei mielytä teitä, niin minut on ihan turha tehdä koko hax versiota.  Pyydän viellä anteeksi teiltä jos olen nyt postannu tätä väärällä tavalla. Teinki tämän aiheen liian hätiköiten. Sitten kun hackin grafikat on valmiita niin sitten vasta ilmoitan tänne sivustolle siitä asiasta. Kiitos kriittisistä sekä että hyvistä palautteesta komenttia. Koska opin yleensä kritisoimisesta, ja hyvästä palautteesta jaksa tehdä taas tälläistä.

To be honest I took those blue blinking devices from metroid fusion and edited them. Must be the colors that make it look like fusion. I took part of the colors from fusion. I know it was a dumb choice and I shouldnt use too similar colors in this hack.

I knew in my graphics those blocks were over 16 px. I was supposed to change those into 16px when making the hack.

At the moment I am trying to make my own style graphics, which is not copied or too confusing. When I have made all maps and stuff, I will put on display some pictures of them. If you dont like them, I think it is pointless to make the hack at all. I apologise if I have posted this whole thing the wrong way. I did this topic in too much haste. I will inform this topic when the graphics of the hack are ready. Thanks for the both critical and positive feedback comments. I usually learn from critique and positive feedback gives me motivation to keep working on these.
so, any more info, or has the creator just vanished?
Hello metroid2002 people, I did not understand to use that kind of a translation service. From that new version fact that the new version is delayed because of codings and other.

Metroid grafikkaa is added for our new version an old and new one so an attempt is made to make us, as suitable as possible, grafikkaa Super metroid hackkiin that it would be suitable for the game and it would not look confused as in others hack.

And secret laboratory채 is not brought, it is not published to the game, it was only one unfinished drawing from me but it does not show my pixel skills nearly

Spiderball and the weapons and everything else are added to the game.
They I do not want to uncover viell채 because you may see them only in the game.

We also try to add the repeater, enemies and bosses.

You will be surely surprised by a new one, a version.

I add a picture of the game in the near future.

And hopefully you have the strength to wait for a new version patiently.

Hello metroid2002 people, I did not understand to use that kind of a translation service. From that new version fact that the new version is delayed because of codings and other.

Metroid grafikkaa is added for our new version an old and new one so an attempt is made to make us, as suitable as possible, grafikkaa Super metroid hackkiin that it would be suitable for the game and it would not look confused as in others hack.

And secret laboratory채 is not brought, it is not published to the game, it was only one unfinished drawing from me but it does not show my pixel skills nearly

Spiderball and the weapons and everything else are added to the game.
They I do not want to uncover viell채 because you may see them only in the game.

We also try to add the repeater, enemies and bosses.

You will be surely surprised by a new one, a version.

I add a picture of the game in the near future.

And hopefully you have the strength to wait for a new version patiently.

Quote from Damski:
....hopefully you have the strength to wait for a new version patiently.

I'm sure we'll all be busy with Aegis and Cliffhanger in the mean time.  :)

I'm taking my time with SM_Soup, but I suspect I'll finish it today.  Then replay it and maybe some others.
Hated by all
Well, at least this isn't as much of a joke as Kejardon's Insanity project a while back, but that was a joke last year (not this year).
Edit history:
Damski: 2008-11-04 02:28:33 pm
Hello Metroid populous 2002!

This is now a half years, making this game but is not now ready.

the last picture which I put the Secret Laboratory, it has not put in the game.

But this Metroid hack is not ready. But still missing graphics.

I do not know when this will be published.

Anyway this is to sample Metroid new wrecked ship Brain laboratory little Sprite.

Those are still ongoing, but believe  :)  took 3 hours to do that.

During that lacks the brain, and glazing.

I try to make the most suitable and good graphics in this hack.

:P awesome
Quote from shinlvl2darkchozo:
:P awesome

Thanks bro  8-)
There is a slight improvement.

But the glazing will still have to be managed by both the private sections.

Beautiful. That's the best piece of Metroid graphic I've seen at my time here.
looks like the mzm save point.
good job!
Quote from Bloodsonic:
looks like the mzm save point.
good job!

Yeah i uset little zero mission tiles.

But thanx anyway.
Run Samus, you can't go anywhere!
Very Happy I Can't wait for... Arrow this new hack to be released! When finished, can you please upload it? don't do an .ips patch, just the rom, please?
the metroid is a lie !
you cant just post roms on a forum  Rolling Eyes, just a tad illegal lol, ips's are not illegal as they are just the changes that you have made.
Edit history:
aigamerDS: 2009-04-09 08:15:11 pm
Well, this project is dead anyway (I think). This thread was posted two years ago.

And to Nbzy5, welcome to m2k2
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I remember seeing this way back when and figuring it'd never get off the ground. Too bad I was right, hmm?
