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I like Big Butts and I can not lie
ok, I'm piecing together rooms from screen shots of metroid fusion (usually without the sprite layer :p )

(Clickable Thumbnails, Thumbnails scaled to 10% of the linked picture)

Main Deck

Sector 2 [TRO]

Sector 4 [AQA]

Sector 6 [NOC]

I got them with black background, 'cause...ya know

What do you think so far, can you see any mistakes aiwebs_008

EDIT: Done TRO & updated Main Deck

EDIT 2: Done AQA, but it seems I can't attach it :(

EDIT 3: Updated AQA and replaced all the attachments to thumbnail links so it looks better

EDIT 4: Updated TRO and added NOC

EDIT 5: Deleted now that Zero Fission's out
Thread title: 
Very nice. Although, you forgot the screw attack blocks by arachnus.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
congradulations you found dilibarate mistake no.1
Why would you put in deliberate mistakes? Well, anyways, the energy tank before yakuza is out of place and um... theres no creatures?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
i'll put in creatures eventually, as i said i wasn't using the sprite layer much

and the energy tank isn't out of place at all
Cook of the Sea
Quote from The Dark Knight:
Why would you put in deliberate mistakes?
red chamber dream
Think he just doesn't know the meaning of "deliberate".
Ready and willing.
It's called sarcasm.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
i hope someone finds the actual deliberate mistake
I thought this was a map, not a game.
What about the number of boost blocks near the quarantine bay? Shouldn't there be 6 blocks instead of 3? I'm not sure though.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
no, 3
lay a power bomb and see
Oh and what about the boost block in the main silo room?

Oh and I don't have the game so I can't tell.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
well done your medal's in the post
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Ok I don't have time to play games these times but I looked at the TRO map and...

Well there is something missing in the room right below that watery room, right? Like a hidden thing that comes up when you drop a bomb, I spent hours to find it when I first played MF.
Are you aware there's a Metroid Fusion Level editor, soon to be capable of dumping maps?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Yes but I doubt it would make any good use of background no. 3 (since it usually scrolls slower than eveything else)

Qlex, yeah well, I'll update it
What, wasn't that a deliberate mistake?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Rolling Eyes