I uploaded an image and hotlinked it to a message board or forum, but it shows up as a red-x. What do I do?
Make sure you are using the link which is already in [img] tags for you, and not any of the other links. The dynamically generated php page will not parse into [img] tags, so if you try to hotlink to the dynamically generated php page, your link will not show up.
But it is in [img] tags? Wierd..... I think you can copy and past it into MS paint or a word doc or something. Maybe you could do that until i figure out the problem?
I know I'll try another website to upload it from seeming as imageshack wont work
EDIT: Ok so imageshack wont work, Photobucket wont accept any more registrations because its uploading the system, does anyone know of any more websites?
You can tell a lot of these things by hitting the quote button and reading what I actually wrote. It's usually faster than asking a question and waiting for a reply.
I suggest re-uploading the pictire. Maybe some weird error occurred.
I don't get it...right clicking on it and selecting view image says something like "this file cannot be displayed because it contains sprite errors or something. This is in Mozilla 1.6 btw.
ARGH!! What errors?!?!??1!1111 Ive tried saving it as .png .jpg and then uploading it, i have also uploading it, and then putting in the .png or .jpg and it still doesnt work!I am able to send it to my freinds using msn messenger? Gosh darn it! ill have to try photoshack tomorow.......
EDIT: Well i tried to make a link using imageshack, but that x still shows up......grrrrrrr