and my skills are shrinking. and i need my little brother to come fix my mom's 'puter while i am visiting her in florida. yes florida. that's how old she is... and she still plays games too.
I think happiness is a bit more relevant than skills, isn't it?
In that other topic, I forget what it was, I mentioned this fellow Dr. Manhatten who basically was a god. However everything everyone does is predetermined, and only he could see that. So while he could do anything in the universe he wanted, which is a lot more skilled than a normal person, normal people had the illusion of free will and could take comfort in that. He was just watching himself do things that he already knew he was going to do, and he had no power whatsoever to change it. Who'd want to be in his shoes? I sure wouldn't.
That's my philosophy (ugh, I don't like that word) anyways. Screw learning, I'm focusing on being happy. Nintendo ho!
Sess, I don't know if I should be happy with you for typing some of the wisest words I've seen on this forum, or annoyed with you for turing the thread needlessly philosophical.
I agree with you about focusing on being happy, though. We live lives with seemingly no purpose or meaning. In truth, we have no way of proving any one imagined purpose to our existane any more valid than any other. In such a situation where we cannot prove any one choice to be best choice, we may as well go for the ones we will feel good about.
Aw god, a tounge? Makes your post look so sarcastic.
Anyway, congratulations!
I'll be 14 in may 8) And, heres the awesome part: my birthday is on a friday, and the thursday is a red day (so ofcourse the friday gets 'red' too) so i got a whole day, the thursday, (lets just hope its a sunny day) to feel how great life is. :D