Does anyone think we should have a music section of this forum? I think it'd be great; talk about your favorite songs, you music library, any lots more. Just an idea though, so give me feedback! :D
In my opinion it's like ICQ5: More ways to waste your time. I'm against it. The only reason I joined this community are the Metroid Subjects that are really necessary: Sequence Breaking, Speed Runs and this whole PLAYABLE section. But I did not came here to just now get in a very new community for me, meet people, chat and alot more.
No, I don't need that, for this I have my REAL LIFE! Well, you would ask me then, why I am posting here, in this topic when I have my reallife? From time to time you sit just there at home and you are tired, and it's boring... so in these moments I can afford it, but not the whole time! I just refer to the luminothtemple guys, who had 3000 Posts after 2 Weeks! People, get yourself a life! Talk about music and such stuff with people (especially girls) in the real life! Sorry, it's nothing against you, but just a crappy community section more... ouh don't screw up your life, go to church if you are not a partyman, do something with people. I am not interested in "what do you like to eat" or "what kind of music do you hear" from people who are boys, I'm not gay, and who I propably will never meet in life.
In my opinion it's like ICQ5: More ways to waste your time. I'm against it. The only reason I joined this community are the Metroid Subjects that are really necessary: Sequence Breaking, Speed Runs and this whole PLAYABLE section. But I did not came here to just now get in a very new community for me, meet people, chat and alot more.
No, I don't need that, for this I have my REAL LIFE! Well, you would ask me then, why I am posting here, in this topic when I have my reallife? From time to time you sit just there at home and you are tired, and it's boring... so in these moments I can afford it, but not the whole time! I just refer to the luminothtemple guys, who had 3000 Posts after 2 Weeks! People, get yourself a life! Talk about music and such stuff with people (especially girls) in the real life! Sorry, it's nothing against you, but just a crappy community section more... ouh don't screw up your life, go to church if you are not a partyman, do something with people. I am not interested in "what do you like to eat" or "what kind of music do you hear" from people who are boys, I'm not gay, and who I propably will never meet in life.
I'm not gay either, but I just thought it would be a good section to have. I don't know one person that doesn't like music. I honestly can't say that about many other things.
You can just post a topic in the boardwalk for something like that. We don't have a "Cool links" or "Personal questions" forum, so why would we need Music forum?
And Laney, I think you went a little overboard there (not to mention off-topic) with that whole "You stupid noobs should got a life" speech.
I think it's a bad idea. These forums are primarily focused towards Metroid. If you want to talk about music, post a thread (or two) in the Boardwalk. I would be very interested in posting in that thread, since I love music (and I'm sure others would be interested, as well), but it doesn't deserve its own forum here. This is really not a social board.
Oh, come on, that was a joke. I don't really care one way or the other about the issue here, I was just making a sideways comment about how since I don't have any time for video games with all of my website work, this site functions as a very nice circle of online friends and nothing more. Right, like I'm going to "go against" something that Ark decides.
I think it's a bad idea. These forums are primarily focused towards Metroid. If you want to talk about music, post a thread (or two) in the Boardwalk. I would be very interested in posting in that thread, since I love music (and I'm sure others would be interested, as well), but it doesn't deserve its own forum here. This is really not a social board.
I'll add up the current topic totals for the "Sequence Breaking/Speed Running" and "Community/Social" sections of the board.
So, technically, it's just as much of a social board as it is a Metroid board. But, I'll take into consideration that the Boardwalk (as do most main social forums on different websites) encompasses a wide variety of general social topics. I will say that in my experience, though, an Arts forum is usually combined into a Music forum as well, so maybe that would be the better idea?
There may be more topics in those sections, but that doesn't mean this board's focus is on social things. As a mod, I actually do spend much more time in sections like the Boardwalk or the Arts, because that's simply where most of the rule-breaking occurs. Which is also some of the reason why we don't want to expand those sections. Music topics have generally been just put into the Boardwalk. I wouldn't (personally...other people might disagree) want to make the Art Forum also a Music Forum, because the focus of the Arts is to be a place where people can post their artwork and get critiqued/ratings on it.
And Laney, I think you went a little overboard there (not to mention off-topic) with that whole "You stupid noobs should got a life" speech.
No, I didn't. In fact that wasn't a "You stupid noobs get a life!" speech, I was more criticising that yet another "community" board is in development. So, I took the opportunity in this matter to say, what I think about a Internet community. "Online Friends" doesn't matter to me anything, in fact one forgets to talk with real people if just hanging around in the Internet. And as Arkarian said, this is a Metroid gaming forum, and not a community/social forum.
I think: Either talk about metroid, or don't. I think there are people in this forums, that do not post in the Metroid Sections, and I'm against it.
I'm against a whole "Community/Social" section in this forum, so I'm against the Boardwalk and against a Music section.
Well, as a new website type person I can say with some assurance that doubling a small message board in size does not do anything to the webmaster's wallet that can come even [b]symbolically[/b] close to what the massive massive movie hosting section does, which is how I justify the fact that I'm still here. I mean, seriously, download Nate's single-segment original pathway run of Metroid Prime. Now just try to use up that much bandwidth posting on the forums. Forums eat it up, but only in comparison to other normal sections of a site, like my comic sections and so forth. In comparison to what Nate's got going down with, you know, .dvx and .mov and .mp4 and .avi extensions and "1000MB, Right-Click and Save Target As" all over, the social section of the board isn't doing anything he's having issues with covering, I'm sure. Besides, I do recall him being a key frequenter of the thread I posted in the Boardwalk that was entirely about my site and putting it together, and Lord knows that it was clear that I was doing very little else in my life period at that point other than code site, so I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that he agrees with me on the okay-ness of a "social board". It was just when the atmosphere of the social boards had thoroughly infected the Metroid boards that he had a problem, and he fixed that.
And since he's a mod, maybe you should heed his opinion on the matter.
Huh? Laney's not a mod, or even a German mod (although I thought he was at one point). The original German mods were basically just every German member on the board anyway, so I don't think Nate wanted them to have power in other boards.
Anyway, couldn't music be classified under "The Arts"?
And since he's a mod, maybe you should heed his opinion on the matter.
Huh? Laney's not a mod, or even a German mod (although I thought he was at one point).
I think she was referring to Saber comment towards Ark.
Quote from Laney:
I am not interested in "what do you like to eat" or "what kind of music do you hear" from people who are boys, I'm not gay, and who I propably will never meet in life.
So... asking personal questions to other of the same gender as yourself means you're gay?
I am not interested in "what do you like to eat" or "what kind of music do you hear" from people who are boys, I'm not gay, and who I propably will never meet in life.
So... asking personal questions to other of the same gender as yourself means you're gay?
That's indeed an odd leap to make, considering that not everyone who posts is of the same sex. Actually, I'd always assumed the name "Laney" = female, but this thread rather implies otherwise.
Quote from Laney:
I think: Either talk about metroid, or don't. I think there are people in this forums, that do not post in the Metroid Sections, and I'm against it.
I can't speak for others, but my posts tend to be in the social section simply because I lack the physical skills to speedrun and so have little to say in the working threads. But I always read the game threads first (for the games I've played, that is) and if I'm short of time it's always the social ones I'll skip in favor of the game threads, because that's why I came here -- to learn more about the games. I just figure that there's no point in posting if I don't have something to add or an articulate question to ask.
On the topic itself, I have to say that overall I haven't cared much for music threads. This is largely personal taste, as I don't listen to contemporary music at all (unless you count game soundtracks, which I wouldn't mind discussing), while for many people their iPods and whatnot are a way of life, and so once the floodgates get opened the boards get...flooded. There's a thread at another forum I read which irritates me by its existence; it's just people posting what they're listening to at the moment and it tends to run for pages and pages (they're on the fifth iteration now). A single music thread or two with actual discussion might be interesting, though. And as pointed out, there are already places for those.
And since he's a mod, maybe you should heed his opinion on the matter.
Huh? Laney's not a mod, or even a German mod (although I thought he was at one point). The original German mods were basically just every German member on the board anyway, so I don't think Nate wanted them to have power in other boards.
Laney, just so I'm clear on what you're saying: you mean that people shouldn't come to this message board to talk about normal every day things and simply socialize, right? That they should keep it strictly to talking about Metroid games and such? There's absolutely no reason for a community to exist online?
I understand that there are other places where you can talk about stuff like that, but I think part of the intention of development of this site was for people that love to sequence break and speed run through games to come together as a community of people with the same general values. These are people that generally understand when we're making metroid references and we like to get to know these people.
I go to school and feel kind of alienated when everyone's talking about their cars or what team is trading who to which other team or things like that. A couple of my closest school friends always talk about that and I just turn away and talk to the other people around there. Then they start talking about their GFs or BFs or goin' to some club or somethin' with their other party friends, and I turn around and stair into the distance. Then I remember some flash animation or some speedrun that was pretty cool, but I can't really share it with anyone there because nobody there uses a PC very much at all. They rarely get into discussions in which I have any opinions to give, or if I do, half the time I just want to mention something they simply wouldn't understand because it has something to do with something I saw online. And since I hardly ever watch tv anymore, many references they make about some shows I hardly ever get.
So clearly, I really can't hang out with others in my given community. All that's left for me is this place, which may not be a physical hang-out, but it certainly is a community none-the-less. It's not like there's a search engine at school where I can write in "Metroid" with my pencil and have it list everyone whose opinions and thoughts contain it. You may assume there is some competant person in my school I can hang out with and have a somewhat intelligent conversation about it, but there's not. Yes, there are VERY many people that have played it, but only a VERY miniscule percentage of these people know nearly as much about it as we do, or really actually care enough about it to go to this place even if I tell them about it. It just never works.
And no, I seriously doubt enough major contributors to this site will care enough to burn the chatty boards and halt all general chatter in the IRC server and migrate to one huge site that is especially built for such things. It's just too much trouble to have everyone go to these boards to check if anyone's talked about metroid, then log out and login to another board to see if the people that went to the metroid boards talked about non-metroid stuff. Also, the boards would die because you can really only talk about a game so much until you run out of things to say. A lot of people would simply stop going here because nothing new was posted and the main site wasn't updated enough. Sure, there are new posts fairly often, but most of the metroid boards I go to are dead. M1 and Fusion rarely get posts, Super and ZM get new posts only a few days a week, and I've never played the others so I don't go to those forums. The Boardwalk and Art forums are too important to these boards to just disappear.
Have Faith, Nate has a reason for everything He does. :P
I understand that there are other places where you can talk about stuff like that, but I think part of the intention of development of this site was for people that love to sequence break and speed run through games to come together as a community of people with the same general values. These are people that generally understand when we're making metroid references and we like to get to know these people.
Bingo. That's what captured my interest about this place when I wandered over here trying to beat Mother Brain on Easy in Zero Mission well over a year ago. Even though I'm not good enough to speed-run, the whole concept here of kicking a digital system's ass and making it one's bitch enthralled me, and it still does. I'm not going to pretend that this concept, put forth by this site, as well as my cousin's 1337 SSBM skillz and some others, wasn't pretty much the thing that inspired The Paragon Project in the first place. Apart from the sense of community and all the friends I have here now, that's why I keep coming here. Video games are the first digital frontier, and the guys here are always plunging to the very edge of it and back and telling how it was. This site is a waypoint for the pioneers of the cyber age, and as damned eloquent as I'm waxing right now, I mean every single word of it, and I believe it with such a passion that it permeates my artistic thesis in The Paragon Project down to its very core. And since I can't speedrun, how else am I to explore this new frontier except to hang out with the guys as they come back from their expeditions and swap stories at the pub, I ask you? To me the social sections of this board are a hangout for friends, a place to exchange ideas, a place where I can come and count on good answers to questions I have about my website, place to get feedback about my art, and critical artistic scouting point.