I saw a small discussion on this in the Pantheon thread but didn't want to continue it there. It's been suggested that future hacks should make two versions of hacks, easy and hard so as to please the most people. I don't like this idea one bit, personally.
In my opinion, the only way to make a hack harder is to either a., increase enemy and boss health and damage and add a few tricky jumps or grapple sections (legitimate difficulty) or b., create what I call "artificial difficulty." Artificial difficulty is adding spikes, random mockballing, crazy shinesparks, One wall walljumps in tight spots, more spikes, heat runs, suitless underwater for prolonged periods of time, those sorts of things. I'm opposed to all of those when concerning the way I want to make Volta. From the beginning, I've wanted Volta to be accessible to anyone, even someone that had never played SM before. My idea behind it is that what if Super Metroid took place on another planet? Therefore I want to keep the same/slightly harder difficulty that SM had.
Now, I know I could release the hack like that for the easy crowd and make a harder one for the rest but the deal is that it goes against my values in hacking to make those required. Sure, I can do all the tricks with the best of them, but just because I can doesn't mean I want to place them in a hack of mine.
Trick sections break the flow of the game. If you're traveling along and suddenly you have to stop for 5 minutes in one room because you have to solve a tricky mockball, it defeats the purpose of having smooth game flow, not to mention that any time you want to go the other way, you have to redo the puzzle. It's not fun gameplay. That's one reason I loved Redesign, Dependence, Golden Dawn, Pantheon, the Japanese hacks and will definitely love Aegis and Eris. These hacks don't require all the glitch maneuvers and yet still manage to be tough in their own ways. Redesign had you dealing with physics all the time, Dependence and Golden Dawn were hard in exploration, Pantheon wasn't really hard but it was still very enjoyable, the Japanese hacks were very unique in a lot of ways, Aegis looks to be a Super Metroid player's dream and Eris is scraping the heaven with its high level of detail in its design. These are the kind of hacks that I enjoy the most.
This is not to say that I hate hacks that require these things. I still like them but not as much as the others. I just don't want to see it become a requirement that every hack must include these tricks in some shape or form in order to please people. I was looking at the comment in the Pantheon thread where people were criticizing it for being too easy How is that a bad thing? Those sort of comments make me worry about the future of SM hacking. I'm worried that soon we'll get to a point where SM hacks will only become accessible to TASers and glitch masterminds.
Well, this rant/food for thought went on a bit longer than I anticipated it to go. But I just felt like i had to get it out there. I'd love to hear everyone's ideas on the subject and maybe we can bget a good discussion going here.
In my opinion, the only way to make a hack harder is to either a., increase enemy and boss health and damage and add a few tricky jumps or grapple sections (legitimate difficulty) or b., create what I call "artificial difficulty." Artificial difficulty is adding spikes, random mockballing, crazy shinesparks, One wall walljumps in tight spots, more spikes, heat runs, suitless underwater for prolonged periods of time, those sorts of things. I'm opposed to all of those when concerning the way I want to make Volta. From the beginning, I've wanted Volta to be accessible to anyone, even someone that had never played SM before. My idea behind it is that what if Super Metroid took place on another planet? Therefore I want to keep the same/slightly harder difficulty that SM had.
Now, I know I could release the hack like that for the easy crowd and make a harder one for the rest but the deal is that it goes against my values in hacking to make those required. Sure, I can do all the tricks with the best of them, but just because I can doesn't mean I want to place them in a hack of mine.
Trick sections break the flow of the game. If you're traveling along and suddenly you have to stop for 5 minutes in one room because you have to solve a tricky mockball, it defeats the purpose of having smooth game flow, not to mention that any time you want to go the other way, you have to redo the puzzle. It's not fun gameplay. That's one reason I loved Redesign, Dependence, Golden Dawn, Pantheon, the Japanese hacks and will definitely love Aegis and Eris. These hacks don't require all the glitch maneuvers and yet still manage to be tough in their own ways. Redesign had you dealing with physics all the time, Dependence and Golden Dawn were hard in exploration, Pantheon wasn't really hard but it was still very enjoyable, the Japanese hacks were very unique in a lot of ways, Aegis looks to be a Super Metroid player's dream and Eris is scraping the heaven with its high level of detail in its design. These are the kind of hacks that I enjoy the most.
This is not to say that I hate hacks that require these things. I still like them but not as much as the others. I just don't want to see it become a requirement that every hack must include these tricks in some shape or form in order to please people. I was looking at the comment in the Pantheon thread where people were criticizing it for being too easy How is that a bad thing? Those sort of comments make me worry about the future of SM hacking. I'm worried that soon we'll get to a point where SM hacks will only become accessible to TASers and glitch masterminds.
Well, this rant/food for thought went on a bit longer than I anticipated it to go. But I just felt like i had to get it out there. I'd love to hear everyone's ideas on the subject and maybe we can bget a good discussion going here.
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