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I'd be glad to try and 2BSJ up onto the small pillar, as I'm right in the area, but would you be so kind as to explain what  2BSJ actually is?  I can do normal spring ball BSJs fine (I've actually been trying them to get onto the small pillar,) but other than that, I don't know any tricks besides the prime 1 tricks from back in the day.  Also, if you don't mind, could you explain how one roll jumps?  I have no clue, and the article for it on the prime 2 wiki is non-existent ^_^
Quote from Sigfriedxx:
does anyone in the board work at retro?  maybe we can find out why they did the stupid gameplay destroyers such as no space jumping on slippery surfaces.  or hell, Sliding off of large flat and clearly standable objects!

90% of people who play this game won't be attempting what we're attempting. Therefor 90% won't know or care about retro making things like that. :P
Quote from PessimistByNature:
I'd be glad to try and 2BSJ up onto the small pillar, as I'm right in the area, but would you be so kind as to explain what  2BSJ actually is?  I can do normal spring ball BSJs fine (I've actually been trying them to get onto the small pillar,) but other than that, I don't know any tricks besides the prime 1 tricks from back in the day.  Also, if you don't mind, could you explain how one roll jumps?  I have no clue, and the article for it on the prime 2 wiki is non-existent ^_^

A 2BSJ is the same thing as a regular BSJ except you do the instant unmorph after the second bomb, therefor netting you more height.

The second bomb always gives me trouble because I'm not good at manipulating the camera. (Sorry if I double posted.)
Quote from PessimistByNature:
I can do normal spring ball BSJs fine

Hmm, maybe we should call them SSJ, since they don't require a Bomb, but a springball jump, then a space jump.  since BSJ means Bomb Space jump, 2BSJ means double bomb space jump
Quote from Sigfriedxx:
Quote from PessimistByNature:
I can do normal spring ball BSJs fine

Hmm, maybe we should call them SSJ, since they don't require a Bomb, but a single space jump.  since BSJ means Bomb Space jump, 2BSJ means double bomb space jump

Reminds me too much of Prime 1/2's L-lock Spring Space Jump. :P
In that case, I nominate SBSJ (Spring Ball Space Jump), as that avoids the confusion altogether ^_^

Also, just to make sure I'm not missing some vitally important step, basically it's a double bomb jump, pull back into the wall, and instant unmorph, correct? ^_^
Quote from PessimistByNature:
In that case, I nominate SBSJ (Spring Ball Space Jump), as that avoids the confusion altogether ^_^

Also, just to make sure I'm not missing some vitally important step, basically it's a double bomb jump, pull back into the wall, and instant unmorph, correct? ^_^

Pretty much.
Okay, thanks for all the help.  I think I have the instant unmorph dialed in, I just can't seem to get the timing for the jump after that quite right, but I'll keep trying ^_^
Lay both bombs while you're still ascending. It's a 2bj, not a DBJ. Thus it being 2bsj and not Dbsj.
About skipping Hyperball, don't forget that there's several times where you need it at the end of the game, I don't know how we could skip them all.
remember, we're also trying to skip hyper grapple, so if we can find a way around into a secret world on phaaze, then it may be possible.

as for the dbj /2bj, I fail to see the difference, you're still using 2 bombs to get a boost into the air, hence double, which last I checked means 2

edit*  I just also realized, if we were to skip hyperball, then that means we can DBSJ on phaaze!  this means we could reach hieghts clearly not tested for!  and chances of entering a SW are VERY high!
Ah, ok, that did the trick, thanks ^_^

However, it seems like the open areas on the smallest pillar are not so much walled, as there is an invisible lip, and I just can't seem to get enough height to get over it.  I'll keep trying, as it could very well be that I'm just not good enough at 2BSJing yet to get high enough, but if someone a bit better at them could try, they might yield better results.  The only real advice I would have is that the antenna on the tower is off center, so you may have better luck going on the side with more space, although even that is just guesswork on my part ^_^
Every Bit Counts
I tested some things regarding a Main Docking Bay SW. I think you can do a 2bsj onto an antenna of a pillar.
@zelse: you just done exactly what I did and you though exactly what I though, also discovered it at the same time I did exept I didn't post it O_O

Anyway, I see what he (she?) means, If you manage to get in when the robot is on the lowest point, maybe we will be able to ride it into the SW
You need hyper grapple & hyper ball to greatly reduce the amount of phazon you have in Phaaze.  besides, none of the tactics can reach the door without getting the hyper mode upgrade & destroying the seed.
Greatly reduce phazon?  I think you mean energy tanks reduce the amount of phazon.  anyways, I would bet that Retro didn't test for  SW barriers because they counted on the player being stuck in hyper mode, thus not being able to 2BSJ SA, so I bet we could get great height and find something if we could only bomb.  so we'd need to skip hyperball using main dockingbay as a way in early, get spider,  theoretically get to pirate HW early
Quote from Sigfriedxx:
Greatly reduce phazon?  theoretically get to pirate HW early

I don't think we'll be able too, the pirate's HM doean't apear in your map until you finish Elysias, so even if you get spiderball you wont be able to get there early, unless the spiderball makes the game think you've already been to PHM and automatically put's it into your map...
You try it and see where you can go, I'm not tryin something that I doubt but, have fun. grin new
Man, I've spent time attempting a DBSJ in elysia, but alas when I nailed it with maximum height, I simply could not reach the top of the shorter right towers.  =(  Oh so sad.

there is a nice ghetto of the bolts on the right and left.

also, Screw you retro for making CLEARLY standable flat surfaced LARGE containers SLIPPERY for some reason =(
I dunno if this is new, but I haven't seen anyone mention it, but the hyper ball seems to make the morph ball move around while stuck in sw's where there's seemingly no other way to get out (specifically, creche transit). At least, for me that's the case.

I dunno, I just thought someone might wanna try that out or keep it in mind for future sw's.
Well I have a new spot I'm looking at for the Elysian landing site SW. This time it's actually in doors in front of the statue. In the video you can see how  i just need more height maybe a morph when i reach the top to fit.

I've notice on the corners of this room where the blue wall meets the main wall you can almost infinitely bomb jump. I think it counts you in  air though so after the second bomb it doesn't register the rest.

EDIT:If you jump and morph into the top of the hole in the blue wall you can almost fall through. All I can see this as doing is getting you stuck. It doesn't count as solid ground sadly as even if i land up there without morphing i cant jump. There is a wall at the top but it's not infinitely high, yet the fact that we can't jump from on top the blue wall makes it just as if it were.
I've been tryin sw1, but once I get in it all the doors in the room are locked so it's impossible for me to actually do anything with it. Does this always happen or is it because I didn't go straight to TC?
You need to do TC twice.  First to get rid of the miniboss (which forces you to leave), and second so that you enter CO backwards.
Yeah, I know, I did all that and got into the sw in co, but all the doors in co are locked, preventing me from actually doin anything.

So basically, what I'm sayin is, is that supposed to happen, or is it cause I didn't go straight to TC after gettin the ship grapple, or is it neither?

Also, when I battled the miniboss, there was a big hole in the floor, and it just fell through so I went down and killed it. Is that what I was supposed to do, or is there not supposed to be a hole in the floor?
You can still wallcrawl through locked doors. I myself did so the other day in Skyway Access. Just hit the loading point to secretize the room, then hit the right trigger to make the game think you went through the door and you're in.

EDIT: Might as well throw this in here... someone PLEASE find a SW on Norion. I really want to see what happens when you revisit the elevator room/the room where Dark Samus attacks you. I'm wondering if the cutscenes will trigger again and completely fuck up the plot, or if you'll be able to explore those rooms.