Back in 1991, there was a raytracing package released for the Amiga called POVray. I always wanted to have a play with it, but it wasn't until I found myself recommending it on a topic at SCU a day or two ago that I actually bothered to try it. Having knocked up a Newton's Cradle model, I decided to go for something a bit closer to home and raytrace some Morph Balls.
These morph balls were created using POVray's ultra simple, ultra powerful Scene Description Language. For those who are interested, the scene description file is as follows (yeah, it's tiny !)
These morph balls were created using POVray's ultra simple, ultra powerful Scene Description Language. For those who are interested, the scene description file is as follows (yeah, it's tiny !)
#include "" #include "" light_source { <1> color rgb 1 area_light <1>, <0>, 5, 5 adaptive 1 jitter } camera {location<3> look_at<1>} plane {y,-1 pigment {rgb 1} finish{reflection 0.2} } #declare AxisCone = cone { <0>, 0.10, <0>, 0 } #declare DiffBox1 = box {<0>, <2>} #declare Transitional1 = difference { sphere {<0>,1} box { <2>, <2> } sphere {<0>,0.85} cylinder {<0> <0>, 0.12} DiffBox1 object { DiffBox1 rotate z*60 } box {<2>, <0> rotate <0> translate <0> } } #declare MBSegment = difference { object { Transitional1 rotate <0> } box {<0>, <2> rotate <0> translate x*0.55 } } #declare MorphBall = union { light_source { <0> color rgb 2.5 area_light <1>, <0>, 2, 2 adaptive 1 } object { MBSegment } object { MBSegment rotate z*120 } object { MBSegment rotate z*240 } object { AxisCone } object { AxisCone rotate <0> } pigment {rgb 1} texture { T_Brass_4A } finish{reflection 0.5} } object { MorphBall rotate 45*z translate <1> } object { MorphBall rotate <45> translate <1> } object { MorphBall rotate <20> translate <8> }
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