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SloppyJoe95: 2010-09-04 06:19:32 pm
SloppyJoe95: 2010-09-02 07:38:20 pm
"Looks like Ridley left a trail..."
Okay. Have you ever had trouble performing mid-air shinesparks? I know I have.
I've found I way to do them. Easy. No struggle. No "small window of time" bullcrap. aiwebs_018

First, run into a boost, then press down into the speed squat charge thingy.
Now that it's charged perform your somersault jump.
Press the [Diagonal Up] button (default is R) and you will stop mid-air.
During this stop, hold the jump button and click the direction you wish to shinespark to, that is, either right/left, up, or diagonal.
It should work fine and easy.
I hope this helps. Very Happy

EDIT: Use [UP] instead of [Diagonal Up]. Maybe more preferable.
Thread title: 
Was someone asking for help on this?
"Looks like Ridley left a trail..."
No, but on my other shinspark info thread, lots of people seemed to be having trouble with shinsparking, so I thought maybe this could help.
The way I've always done it and had consistancy with is somersault jump, press up to stop you, followed by the direction on the D pad you want to go and hold that button, and then lastly press jump.

You can do it the other way you mentioned but I find that awkward and cumbersome.

If it's mid air diagonal shinesparks. Somersault, hold R and press jump.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I use the same method as Behemoth.  Pressing up to break your spin seemed more obvious to me.  Either way, I wouldn't say that you've 'found' a way to do it, as this has always been how you do it.  Press something to break your spin, and then press a direction and jump.  Nothin' new.
Time bomb set get out fast!
It occurs to me there's actually an advantage to SM's shinespark being so finicky: players are more likely to perform it by accident and discover the undocumented move.
"Looks like Ridley left a trail..."
Wow, interesting how I feel like I've tried Up before, but it didn't work. Now that you mention it, and I try it, it works. So Up is really a preferable way. aiwebs_007
Quote from Zeke:
It occurs to me there's actually an advantage to SM's shinespark being so finicky: players are more likely to perform it by accident and discover the undocumented move.

Edit history:
Wulfgearr: 2010-12-02 08:32:31 am
Wulfgearr: 2010-12-02 08:32:19 am
Wulfgearr: 2010-12-02 08:31:01 am
I know I'm not the only who has tried this shinespark.. But when collecting the Spore Spawn (via Crystal Spark) Super Missile, is it faster to get a shinespark toward the item, and then super missile/shinespark your way out of that room colliding with the next? I'm not sure if this has been answered or not.. just some insight.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
If I understand what you're asking, it sounds like it'd be quicker to run and jump over the enemy spawners in the first room.  Start charging your spark as you run toward the door, charge it just before the hole prior the the Supers, collect the Supers, jump back over the hole, shoot the door, and then spark back through the other room.both rooms.

And you know you don't have to Crystal Flash, right?  You can just jump, and Super the block.
Edit history:
Wulfgearr: 2010-12-02 09:01:35 am
Yeah, I've seen that done actually. I haven't managed to get the timing though, so I'm taking the easier way out. But overall, you have the idea. Jump over the 3 spawns, speedboost etc.. Just a thought, I've managed it.. and was just curious.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Of course, if you're feeling really brave, you could speed boost after the spawners on your way out, do a small jump, Super Missile the block to exit, and speedball through the bomb blocks. aiwebs_011
Lol This was tool-assisted so.. I had a deep thought process beforehand. I just thought it was worth bringing up since I was unsure of the frame data etc.
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from SloppyJoe95:
Wow, interesting how I feel like I've tried Up before, but it didn't work. Now that you mention it, and I try it, it works. So Up is really a preferable way. aiwebs_007
Quote from Zeke:
It occurs to me there's actually an advantage to SM's shinespark being so finicky: players are more likely to perform it by accident and discover the undocumented move.


Don't most people discover it by falling into the pit with the whatchamacallit creature that demonstrates it? Since it's how you get out of there?
I did when I first had the game. Then the Echitoons(sp?) showed the wall jumps. Without them, how will we make beatable hacks or beat the game in less than 11 minutes? :)