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One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from sethboy2:
As for the Purple saber, I don't know what to tell you. We were all holding PVC pipes, and I traced that one perfectly.

In that case, I might suggest that you try to place some bits of color in strategic places to try and hide the fact he the PVC pipe seems a bit bent. Like make the main part of the sabre extend straight out from the hilt like it's meant to, but use the "aura" to hide the PVC pipe. the "aura" still seems a tad dark, but this one is a lot better than the last one.
I think this is the problem with the purple:

Ready and willing.
There you go, that's what I was trying to say.
As it turns out, It IS straight, though it happens to be an opticle illusion. although the red lines here appere to bend sligtley at th handle, they actually are straight.

red chamber dream
That's a pretty strange optical illusion.
Arkarian! Your avatar! what happend to the red-haired Link looking guy?
  Anyway, I think I'll leave this picture alone for now.
    Coming Soon: lightsaber weilding Centaur!
Quote from sethboy2:
Arkarian! Your avatar! what happend to the red-haired Link looking guy?

Alizée ate him.
haha thats a good one or is it real........*creepy music in back ground*
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
^--spam is bad.

Anyways, the new one looks a lot better, but I still think it would have been neat if you tried for the moving purple lightsaber.
red chamber dream
Okay, no more talk about avatars in this thread.
Thanks a Trillion for that site, Snytbaggen! I know I said that I was through with that last picture, But this was too good to pass up. Their method works wonders!


red chamber dream
Yes! Much, much improved.
everybody knows it's true
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red chamber dream
And the purple one doesn't look as bent anymore.
Bananas GOOD, Kremlings BAD
If you just take a passing glance, it looks like the kid on the right is weilding a VERY long light saber!
It lookslike a green blade verson of DArht(whatever his name was morth or tsomething)Phantom dudes saber.

Edit : or just maybe a long poll. :P
How DARE you simply take a passing glance!

But I'm glad you think it's better. You may even notice that I was so thorough as to actually make Ava's (AKA Wielder of purple) hand blurred to match the saber!

And yes, it's his Lightsaber design from Jedi acadamy, which is derived from Darth MUAL's saber.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Very nice man, good job fixing the purple lightsaber.
Wow! That's Amazing!
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I should try that.
Don't try to figure out why an E-11 weilding giant squirell is astride a pathetic looking, Lightsaber toteting centaur. It's a photo from a play I was in, and I can make it look however I like.
(the main point was to try to insert objects like blasters and battle droids into the picture.)

red chamber dream
That's basically the creepiest thing I've ever seen. I do like the yellow sabers, though.
I like yellow anyways the light saber on the right hand the blade and the handel looks a little shifed maybe is me or onther optical ilusion.

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If it is really strate and just me then Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Exclamation
Armor Guardian
Disturbing yet funny.

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Quote from Arkarian:
That's basically the creepiest thing I've ever seen. I do like the yellow sabers, though.

I'm going to takee that as an extreamly high compliment, coming from a Mod of THIS forum. You must have seen alot of vary creepy things.

Glad people like Yellow!
Yellow is my favorite coulor i have yelloe shrits but people ask me why i do not have pink.

They call me Mr.BrightGUY or Floresent Dood at school.

And i am still very generous whenrating art work  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Arrow  Exclamation

so SethBoy is it crooked or its it just me?