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Photoshop itself can't, but its sister program ImageReady can. And they're installed simultaneously when you want to install either. :)
red chamber dream
Finally this topic reaches a third page. Did anyone else's computer take longer than with most topics to load the second page (due to all the images, of course)? Or is my connection speed just slow?
Quote from DominicanZero:
Photoshop itself can't, but its sister program ImageReady can. And they're installed simultaneously when you want to install either. :)

But when I click on Image ready, it just opens photoshop. What's the difference?

EDIT: nevermind, it works now.

Edit 2:(here goes nothin': )

Edit 3: I tried to upload the .gif, and it sure was "nothin'": here's what I got:
Quote from The Top Of The Page:
Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/ls-1-copy.gif.

Edit 4: The Edits are after me!

Edit 5: I tried on a different Computer, and
Quote from The Top Of The Page Again:
Upload Error: Could not upload Attachment to ./files/ls-1-copy.gif.

Edit 6: Is this a record or somthing?

Edit 7: I did find I could e-mail it, but I don't suppose any one would want to try uploading it from their computer?

Edit 8: Weeeeeeeeeee!

Edit 9: boy, am I tired.
everybody knows it's true
a new record!!!
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Arkarian:
Finally this topic reaches a third page. Did anyone else's computer take longer than with most topics to load the second page (due to all the images, of course)? Or is my connection speed just slow?

It took about half a seond longer for me. :?
Well, I've tried everything I could think of, and it still won't let me post the .gif. The only thing I've found I can do with it is e-mail it. Any suggestions?
i'll up load it for ya!
Thanks. But, how do you want me to give it to you?

PM'ed you my email incase no one bothered to look at my profile.
Okie Doakie, I e-mailed it to you, hope it works. If it does, I'll actually bother making more. This one's just kind'da a test. (only 50 frames out of the 300 I had.)
red chamber dream
Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Arkarian:
Finally this topic reaches a third page. Did anyone else's computer take longer than with most topics to load the second page (due to all the images, of course)? Or is my connection speed just slow?

It took about half a seond longer for me. :?

Lucky. I try to scroll down when I first load the topic, but I have to watch the scroll bar shrink smaller and smaller before I can scroll all the way to last post of the page.
Of course, it loads perfectly fine when I'm on my laptop. >_>
It works fine for me, Thank goodness. I have two PC's avalible to me, one (with photoshop) Is a fast computer with slow connection, and the other, (this one) is slow, with incredably fast connection.
Uh... thanks, but... It want's me to sign in, with an e-mail and a password.  :?
Question  Question  Question

(I'm not about to try hacking your account just to see my own picture.)
Your right ill fix it up now.

How come i can't save it on to my computer....
I have no Idea. It worked for me. What happens when you try copying it?
wait i forgot what to type for flash animation thingy can some one help me...

If i save it its just a regular photo...
You mean .gif? That's what it's saved as.
Still doesn't work if i open it as gif..........
(translation: this is rather frstrating.)
would some one tell me how you guy put up flash avatars or sig like green mamba or smops....
Its NOT FLASH its just a picture so just treat it as a picture.
That's what I thought. Can't you just attach it to a post? That's what I tried.

Also, did the entire animation come through? What do YOU think?
are you talking to me?
Sorry. Yes, I was talking to you.(SAL)