No i did, that's how it got into a bad location before you moved.
At any rate... man, over 2 hours. Thats how long it took me to kill it. For the last two, it's just luck how often he shows his back, so the only chance you have is to get back more energy for hypermode. The battle just seems so much like chance whether or not you're able to damage it in a particular round.
ok I need help with this one thing that's been bothering me for ages.
How come samus sometimes goes into hypermode and then not able to get out of it? no matter how many times I shoot phazon out the bar won't go down.
It happens mostly when i'm fighting pirates, or other enemies. so, why is this happening?
*braces self for an obvious answer*
Uh. Well, after a few seconds, the suit becomes corrupted in hypermode, it auto-fills phazon, and you have to use it up before it fills or game over, but you probably knew that. Before it's corrupted holding down the hypermode button will switch back out; after corruption begins you can't switch it off by holding the button--only by emptying the tank or waiting for auto-vent. The game tells you all this, though.
I'm not sure what else you could mean. If you're saying that it won't empty phazon when it's not corrupted then you have a really cool version of Corruption that I would totally like to buy off of you.
well, Samus becomes corrupted, but you can't empty the bar on top, no matter how many times you shoot. And you end up dieing >_>
I really should record this and show you all.
Well, if you're taking damage the bar could be filling faster than it empties, but every shot fired in hypermode should deplete a portion of the gauge regardless, unless you're at the very end of the game. If you can record that, it'd help. Any other problems with your game? Scratches on the disc, etc.?
Any tips out there for avoiding damage at the Aurora Unit - Head fight? It took a while, and I came so close to finally beating hypermode (starting to agree that it's the hardest hard mode :p ) but I just take too much damage in the final segment of the final boss series. the attacks I have most trouble with are the four laers (when hes most vulnerable) while i'm attacking, and the part where he skids around on the floor.
I did figure out that a well timed (or rather, lucky) screw attack can break the skidding attack, but it doesnt always work for me. Is there any for sure way to not take any hits from that? its really frustrating.
And are there any obvious tell signs as to which dark samus is the real one when she splits into 3? (not 2)
Any tips out there for avoiding damage at the Aurora Unit - Head fight? It took a while, and I came so close to finally beating hypermode (starting to agree that it's the hardest hard mode :p ) but I just take too much damage in the final segment of the final boss series. the attacks I have most trouble with are the four laers (when hes most vulnerable) while i'm attacking, and the part where he skids around on the floor.
I did figure out that a well timed (or rather, lucky) screw attack can break the skidding attack, but it doesnt always work for me. Is there any for sure way to not take any hits from that? its really frustrating.
And are there any obvious tell signs as to which dark samus is the real one when she splits into 3? (not 2)
I found it easiest to dodge the four lasers by staying under the head the whole time. It take some getting used to, you won't be able to see the AU very well so you just have to "feel" your way. Trust your instincts! Do a barrel roll!
No tips for the sliding attack, it's again an instinct thing. Watch its movements and react with a very quick side dash jump.
Not sure if there's a way to tell without the x-ray visor, but I never found it difficult to just equip it the whole time. I think there's a way to keep DS from ever splitting into three
I just like how MP3 actaully puts the attack in screw attack. in MP2 you rarely could put it to any good offensive use.
Heh, yeah, Rezbits and that's about it.
And the awesome Emperor Ing glitch which I imagine wasn't intentional.
Edit: "I need help" guys.
BSJ. Why is it such a bitch? I used to be able to do it with some modicum of consistency, but I took a break and now that I'm back I simply cannot get it to happen. I've been in Generator Hall North for an hour now and I've only managed the BSJ about five times, and they're so far apart that I still haven't actually jumped up to the ledge simply because actually getting a jump out of an instant unmorph is too much for my brain to process at this point. I need much more consistency if I'm going to do a speedrun, and the videos aren't really helping.
Here's what I do, tell me where it's wrong:
-Stand against of a wall, facing perpendicular away from it -Step forward a little bit so that the camera will keep the wall behind me when I morph -Morph, then start to roll back -Spring, then push forward so I don't hit the wall -Unmorph, and tap "jump" like crazy
The vast majority of the time, it all falls apart at the unmorph, where I either get the instant unmorph but no jump, or for some reason the camera suddenly decides to turn around, and the game beeps at me and won't let me unmorph.
This isn't really help related but I dont think it warranted a new topic.
I was playing MP3 today and I went into the inventory subscreen. I never realized it before, but you can see pics of items that you never really picked up in the game because you had them already, like bombs, space jump, and a few others. The space jump just looks like a severed samus leg.
Lol, yeah. Some of those models felt kind of rushed to me (the leg after all, is just ripped straight from the main model used in cutscenes and stuff), same for things like the ship save and such.
However, this was functionality was the same in Echoes as well: you could go back and look at inventory pages of things you already start off with (power beam, combat/scan visor, etc). They rushed a lot in Echoe's as well (if you've ever looked at the Varia Suit in the inventory screen, their skinning job on that model is absolutely -terrible-. I don't know who gave the OK to allow it in game. There's a few other models with issues too (specifically the arm cannon models. There's various groups that don't generate texture coordinates as they should to produce a shine effect, so the shine is "glued" to the model. Not to mention some subsets that should use tex-coord anims don't even animate as they should -.-; )
Anyway, have you ever looked at the dioramas up close? There's a lot of rushed crap there too (on the Ridley one, her right arm is rotated 180 degrees backwards. The one with the Steam Lord has her spiky knee's completely missing, etc)
I can't seem to get the gold credit for not letting any of the Demolition Troopers die in the Transit Stations. I forgot to do it on Normal, and now I'm on Veteran, so should I just go back and do it again on Normal? It seems like at least one of the pirates is using hypermode constantly, so the X-Ray visor is virtually useless.
EDIT: Nevermind, I got it. You just have to use a lot of charged Hyper Beam and Hyper Missiles.
The other one is on your first trip through the xenoresearch lab, there's a trooper fighting two crawltanks who you have to save.
I was actually talking about getting two vouchers in the room where you have to save the trooper from getting sucked out. There are two troopers in that room, one gets sucked almost immediately while the other one hangs on for about 3-5 seconds. If I'm not mistaken, you can shoot the target in less than a second and save both troopers, therefore earning two friend vouchers.