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this is the fusion style bubble part of the door with mzm door enjoy
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Is there a "no music" patch kicking around anywhere?  I'm going to try making one, but I thought I should make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel.

I had a bit of free time and decided to figure out how exactly to do this. It took me 5 tries to guess the correct byte to change.
Change CF8413 (278413 in an unheadered ROM) from CD to 6F. Effectively it's putting in an RET (equivalent to RTS) here in the SPC code:
180b: cd 00     mov   x,#$00      ;Start of common processing for one tic of music

I'm too lazy to actually make an ips for this.
Oh, goody. Super Metroid's music is good as music, but we've all heard it a gazillion times before, so it's lost all its impact. Thanks for figuring that out, Kejardon. I hope people use it!
Time bomb set get out fast!
Outstanding!  This saves me the research my idea would have required, and it's simpler, too.  I'll make a patch for it as soon as I can get the @¢%&!@ internet to work on things other than my PSP.
i have an idea but i don't do well with tiles so if anyone can make a technology type of scenery or cre that would be nice itsfor my new hack called super metroid technology(me and bydolord are working on this)
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Black Falcon: 2009-10-25 05:22:05 pm
Another patch made by me because I can:
    - makes gravity suit to be immune against acid (but not against lava!)
    - makes varia suit to be immune against lava (but the physics are still the same when samus is in lava)

If there are any bugs with it pm me and I'll try to fix it.
Have fun!  Very Happy
For unheadered btw and it uses free space at $90F640
EDIT: forgot to put it into the attachment  laugh new
Quote from Black Falcon:
For those people who played Crys' Darkworld hack and now think 'I wanna do that, too :3' there's a solution:

Metroid Prime 2 blocks.

This patch makes Air-fool X-Ray with BTS of 03 healing samus when touching,
BTS of 04 dealing damage to samus depending on which suit is equipped:
No suit: massive damage
Varia suit: less damage (like the dark suit in Prime 2, slowly but constantly) << this is more Echoes-like than
having the suit divisors.
Gravity suit: no damage (like the light suit)

If the BTS value is 05 it takes always damage, no matter what suit you have equipped
(for free use on other ideas).

It also changes the default palettes for power suit, varia suit and gravity suit.
BTW: this does not change item graphics, text or palettes like charging, etc.

Credit goes to Crys for the idea and the dark world concept
and DSO for helping him.
I only made the patch because I can do it!  grin new
For unheadered btw

any bts ideas for a translator door
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
I'm a bit surprised nobody mentioned this last time you posted here, but...
This is a topic for releasing small and misc. patches or tools for the game, NOT for requesting them. Also as the main point of this thread is to have a lot of varied content we're trying to keep the topic cleanish so it's easy to find a patch within this thread (in other words, please just read this post and don't post in this topic again unless you have a patch to add to it or an important comment for an existing patch - no need to reply saying you've read this post)
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Acheron: 2009-10-27 02:16:57 am
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Neither Samus-Aran nor Screaming Black Momba should have no posting privs in the hacks fora; something's wrong with the forum software, though. Rest assured, they won't be bothering us much longer.

Edit: See? Told ya.
Where can suggestions for new patches be made then? Ideas are at least as good as finished patches, if not even greater.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Gonna have to respectfully disagree with you on that point. There is no lack of great ideas out there, only a lack of people willing to program them, and the consensus has generally been "if you want to see something in a hack, do it yourself." There are some kind souls out there that will do the occasional ASM project out of the goodness of their hearts, but I don't know if we need a request thread for that.
^If I knew how, I would totally be willing to make patches. I'm taking an ASM course, but it's going slow. Sorry.
Time bomb set get out fast!
Hark!  Or rather, don't.  Following Kejardon's recipe, I have created no-music patches for headered and unheadered SM ROMs.

I've only tested the unheadered one, but they should both work.  It's interesting to see what the game considers music, and even more interesting to play without it.  Hearing Ridley screech without his trademark theme in the background is almost surreal.

Btw, as I said to Kejardon in my original PM, don't get the wrong idea.  I love Kenji Yamamoto's score for SM; it's some of the best music in any game.  But when you've heard it 2^N times in both the original game and hacks, it wears out its welcome a bit.  I wanted to be able to listen to other music without sacrificing the sound effects, and these patches do the trick.
I'm surprised there's no option to turn sound off. Now that I think of it, there isn't on any game.
I really wish someone would make a zero suit patch for Super Metroid.  The Justin Bailey patch is cool, but one with the actual blue zero suit is what I'm hoping for.  Someone from the Aquaria hacks forum made one for that game and it's pretty nice:

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Quietus: 2009-12-22 07:47:03 am
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
There are any number of variations that could be made to the suits, but it's a tonne of work, and is probably why we've only had the one so far.  You have to manually edit each frame of anumation for every movement that Samus can make, so you can appreciate the workload. =)

I guess the only saving grace would be that you could use the Justin Bailey patch as a base, and just recolour, adding one or two lines for the suit itself.  How to contact the creator, to get permission...
Quote from Quietus:
I guess the only saving grace would be that you could use the Justin Bailey patch as a base, and just recolour, adding one or two lines for the suit itself.  How to contact the creator, to get permission...

LOL, I'm sure Auximines got permission from Nintendo before he made the justin bailey patch. 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I doubt it, but within the hacking community, it's courteous to do so.  Or you can just do it anyway, and accept the flack you get. =P
Edit history:
Black Falcon: 2009-12-25 01:28:19 pm
Black Falcon: 2009-12-25 07:51:07 am
Black Falcon: 2009-12-25 07:46:29 am
Black Falcon: 2009-12-25 07:45:48 am
Black Falcon: 2009-12-25 07:44:45 am
Finally! The long awaited speed booster modification!
My christmas present for the great Metroid hacking community!
Small preview:

How To Use Shinespark Control:
Up, right, left to shinespark up/right/left respectively
Down to morph
Jump to perform a screw attack (if equipped)
Aim up: shinespark diagonally up
Aim down: shinespark diagonally down

5 patches for more modularity, all unheadered, of course:

1st: Shinespark Control
This is the standard patch I made.
It allows you to change the direction as soon as you picked up
the speed booster.
No energy drain

get the patch:
click here

2nd: Shinespark Control with drain

Same as above, only with an energy drain

clicky! :D

3rd: Shinespark Control Item
This patch only gives you the control ability by picking up a separate item.
what it does:
  • replaces springball
  • no graphical changes (item text, inventory, etc)
  • puts springball ability into the hijump item
  • no energy drain at all

I know you want it!

4th: Shinespark Control Item Drain A
Same as above item, but it always drains energy.
just like normal shinespark.


5th: Shinespark Control Item Drain B
With this patch the shinespark drains energy until the item has been picked up.

get it here

Please Give Credit!

Time bomb set get out fast!
That is absurdly badass, Black Falcon!  I don't know how you did it, but I can't wait to try it out.
Can someone please post a patch that does nothing except eliminate health drain from shinespark?  I have one, but it also comes with suit palette changes so I can't use it with the justin bailey patch without getting an orange skinned suitless samus.  Thanks in advance.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Try this one.  I'm not an expert, but I've tested it, and the hex tweaks seem to work fine.
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Opium: 2010-02-16 05:36:16 pm
Lunar IPS does not recognize that as an IPS file, the file name is coming up as AV8xhKCw2wGuMOPqeKlSUgy04uE.  Wtf?

EDIT:  I tried adding .ips file extension but it still doesn't work.  Not sure if it matters, but I use the megaupload download manager.  Never had any probs with it though.  Btw, is this for headered, or?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Have you tried opening Lunar IPS first, and applying the patch, and not just clicking the icon?
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-02-16 05:37:25 pm
I open lunar ips,  then select the patch, then Lunar IPS says 'This is not an IPS file!'