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MilesSMB: 2012-01-18 03:02:12 am
MilesSMB: 2011-08-21 04:05:03 pm
MilesSMB: 2011-01-15 12:06:50 am
MilesSMB: 2011-01-15 12:06:25 am
MilesSMB: 2010-12-10 10:14:51 pm
MilesSMB: 2010-11-13 04:33:56 am
MilesSMB: 2010-11-12 12:20:46 am
MilesSMB: 2010-11-07 10:37:07 am
MilesSMB: 2010-07-19 06:35:30 pm
arkarian: 2010-06-12 03:41:55 am
arkarian: 2010-06-12 03:40:11 am
arkarian: 2010-06-12 03:40:02 am
Thread title: 
oh boy i came at a good time :) just when you get to try the dash
Well, I suck at this.
look at it in a different light, no one is good at this thus sucking is either mediocre or good lol
You can do it Miles!

You did the sub 90, you can get through this!
wow, very nicely done. how many artifacts are left?
2, Phendrana's Edge and the one from the tower you blow up.
hehe, phendrana's edge sounds real fun without the space jump
I'll be wallcrawling there. >_>
I missed this part when paraxade was doing it. who came up with this ugly bomb jump for the secret world lol
Anywhere, everywhere
Quote from tate:
So is this a preview of Impact Crater >_>
if you didn't have to balance on that ledge you would be doing much better so impact crater will be no prob
So now that I'm pretty much a wallcrawl and Impact Crater away from finishing, anyone else considering taking up the challenge? :P
Heh, I bet a lot of this run would be easier with Spring Ball, but obviously having that would make this impossible to begin with since Trilogy shuts down SBs like crazy.

And is that the Power Suit version of the Morph Ball? Either way, it looks really odd combined with the Phazon Suit.
If you skip the Spider ball, then the gravity and Phazon suit Morph Balls look weird.
About to take on Ridley!

Needs more people viewing the topic. :(
Damnit I have to get my laundry! D:

Wait up!
Well nevermind the "wait up" comment...

And it seems roughly 21~23 hours is going to be how long it takes for 21%

I doubt anyone's going to try and "optimize" or "speed up" this run. I seriously think though that this should be submitted to SDA as the new Low Percent, just have the time to beat be the actual time, and so that you don't bore the watchers to death, you cut out the failed attempts.
The only thing then would be any future attempts would look exactly the same just with a lower final time.
SDA is about speedruns, not demonstration runs.
Well when I asked you about your 14% run (which was going to be a little more costly time wise compared to the 17%) for MP2, you said that the percent reduction validified the time increase.

And it's not like I'm saying "base it solely off %" But for the sake of how long this run actually takes you might as well cut it down since it's so incredibly hard to pull off first try, even with segments.
Yeah, it validates the time increase, if it's still actually a good run. I certainly would have never even considered submitting that 14% example run I did.
So, you think 21% will never actually show up on SDA until we get someone dedicated enough to trim the time down so much?
Yes, and it shouldn't until then.
Damn :/

Cause I miss so much of the 21% runs since no one records them. I mean I saw Paraxade's Thardus jump, and that was it. Then I saw your trying to bomb up the boost ramp, and now this.