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Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2011-03-08 04:37:29 pm
DaveBatista: 2011-03-08 11:45:19 am
DaveBatista: 2010-10-20 08:48:29 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-10-20 04:35:18 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-10-20 04:28:45 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-10-18 03:21:00 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-09-27 08:43:39 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-09-27 08:42:57 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-09-22 06:07:13 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-09-07 03:18:04 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-09-04 10:42:06 am
DaveBatista: 2010-09-03 05:13:36 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-08-18 05:05:33 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-08-14 05:07:31 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-08-14 12:41:30 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-08-14 12:38:36 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-08-14 12:36:52 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-08-14 11:33:50 am
Yoshi is back
Super Metroid: Apocalypse

???: Layer 1&2: 2%  Map: 100% Music: 0% Palette: 1%
???: Layer 1&2: 0%  Map: 0% Music: 0% Palette: 0%
???: Layer 1&2: 0%  Map: 0% Music: 0% Palette: 0%
???: Layer 1&2: 0%  Map: 0% Music: 0% Palette: 0%
???: Layer 1&2: 0%  Map: 0% Music: 0% Palette: 0%
???: Layer 1&2: 0%  Map: 0% Music: 0% Palette: 0%

This is my Final name for the hack, I will be having the some of the original tiles for this hack so when this is finished, Expect New Maps, New level designs, New title screen, New Area names and, Tons of Exploring. (I might be able to get new rooms too.)

I Wish the Best of Luck for this Hack!


Thread title: 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
So, you're creating hacks for Fusion and Super at the same time?  I wish you luck, as most people struggle to stay dedicated to one project long enough to complete, let alone two.
$20 says we don't see either one. 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Quote from Opium:
$20 says we don't see either one. 
Maybe, just maybe...
Yoshi is back
No, I'm not hacking Super. I lost that project. I did Hex work and It F***ed up on me. I was trying to create a new room and It failed. So now I hack Fusion.

Opium, I'm not betting money. If I did, you'd have to raise it to $30 - $40 I don't accept American money.
metroid fusion hack? that's something i never thought would happen
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
quote: 'get debug areas to work'
They work just fine
Yoshi is back
I know, I mean work as in Sprites and Tiles.
Edit history:
Opium: 2010-08-14 04:08:28 pm
Quote from DaveBatista:
Opium, I'm not betting money. If I did, you'd have to raise it to $30 - $40 I don't accept American money.

Dayum!  lol.  I'd bet $100, and not with you because you control the outcome, which would make the bet silly.

Quote from DaveBatista:
No, I'm not hacking Super. I lost that project. I did Hex work and It F***ed up on me. I was trying to create a new room and It failed. So now I hack Fusion.

What?  The Super hack is ALREADY toast?  I shoulda made a side bet on how fast they would disappear. 
(user is banned)
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DaveBatista: 2010-08-14 04:16:04 pm
Yoshi is back
1. I'm Canadian

2. I don't bet people that much.

3. It was a Full hack and it was not right, I tried my Hex work step after step and it wouldn't work.
1. I don't understand how you can work on multiple full-hacks and speed running multiple games at the same time.

2. 95% of projects that are announced are never completed, and that's without all the multitasking.

Sorry if I seem pessimistic, but I have reason to.
Yoshi is back
...I'm not doing Multiple Full hacks. I'm not speed running anything. I'm only currently working on my MF hack. I'm needing help on my hack. Any volunteers?
Yoshi is back
I'm actually thinking. An [MF] On super. I hack Super with Fusion Tiles.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
DaveBatista: 2010-09-03 04:49:20 pm
DaveBatista: 2010-09-03 04:49:19 pm
Yoshi is back
Ok so, I'm starting it up on Super and I'm using Fusion tiles. I'm using Ceres as Main Deck so after that I've got SRX, TRO, PYR, AQA, ARC and NOC to create. I'm using the original maps for the Sectors so Expect them to be the same as in Fusion. I'm doing this on super so it won't blank out and so its not so Linear. I'm needing help on creating Fusion Samus. I found the Samus Data so when I get the nerve to actually start editing Samus' looks then I'll have some good progress.

I'm using Crys' Fusion Ship and Fusion Ball Patches and I can't seem to get thee correct Fusion suit colors for Regular, Varia and Gravity. I'm needing help on this so anyone that wants to help on anything just Reply to this by "Quoting" and "Replying"

Thanks. Sorry for the long post.

Edit: I'm making a new name for this so I don't get Sued by Nintendo.
Edit history:
ortbeast: 2010-09-03 08:15:19 pm
I'm making a new name for this so I don't get Sued by Nintendo.

How many times have you changed the name of this hack?
And if Nintendo is going to sue you it probably wont be for the name, probably because it's a rom hack.
Yoshi is back
I've changed the name 3 times. My brother said that I would get sued.
well every hack has the name metroid in it, which is a registered trademark, so i guess that means we all will get sued eventually (if nintendo really cares).well anyways i like the new name, if you need a beta tester I'm here to test it for you
Yoshi is back
Ok, It a long way 'till betas so I'm considering it. Let me get some pictures up so you know what it's like.
that sound good to me Dave, looking forward to this hack
Yoshi is back
I'd have 6 Pictures if they we're in-game, But instead I have Room: 791F8. It took me 2 Days to make this: [img][/img]

this room looks great, 2 days well spent.
What'd you say?
It looks really good DB, but (just a personal preference here) you have quite a few "flat/boxy" areas. And (this was pointed out to me a long time ago) you seem to have, as a majority, these slopes:

After awhile it tends to look boring to players so try changing it up. For examples I suggest checking out Crateria in Redesign as that has some great examples of varied terrain. Either way, keep up the good work man!
Yoshi is back
Thanks, Ty. I'll change it up a bit. AS you know, This is my first Full hack that I'm actually going all the way with, I'm hoping to get new rooms up so I'm going to need some Hex Data help
as I know Nothing in Hex so can anybody get to me with that if they wanna help me.

Also The Boost Ball.asm patch won't work for me. Can someone help me out with this?
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Dave: Check through the Hex Tweaks section on MetConst, as there's a bunch of stuff there that may cover what you want to do.

Regarding Boost Ball.asm: What do you mean it doesn't work?  What are you doing, and what is happening?
Yoshi is back
Thanks, But I want to create new rooms and I don't want to fail at it this time. I've tried over and over but I can't seem to get it right.

As for Boost ball, The patch isn't going on my game. I don't know if it's working. It says "Click anything to Continue" and then disipears