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I dont know about you but I think that Metroid Zm is about a billon times more fun than Fusion and I have beaten it about 7 times already :D  :D  :D

What do you guys think?

by the way I only beat fusion twice then got extreamly bored

(stupid navagation rooms)
Thread title: 
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
This is definately a huge plus for Zero Mission--instant replay value.  Sure, the game may be over fairly quickly, but that means it's time to play it again!  To add to it, there are quite a few ways to play through it, making each run different from each other.

That, and there's no stupid computer to slow you down.....
yea I love trying to play through how you are suposed to and then like getting the varia suit early and stuff like that.

I hope that they will make a super metroid and metroid 2 remake in the same fasion as zero mission because I did not get to play eather of those games
If they also included the older counter parts I would be in heaven every single 2d metroid game ever made all on my gba

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D
I didn't exactly find Zero Mission to be that ....fulfilling...  It more bothered me than it did bring joy into my recent gaming life.  it just didnt offer that genuine feeling metroid games bring to your life it made you feel all "hey this game isnt amazing.. nothing new..nothing surprising... it just seems plain.  I wish I had more chicken."
I beat Zero Mission... a countless number of times. I think I beat Easy about 5 times, Normal 7 times, and Hard 3 times. Okay, I exaggerated about "countless", but if you want a total of all the people who played my cartage... THATS countless.
After somewhat playing through hard a little...  I don't like Zero Mission any more =P  just lost all it's metroid touch in my opinion
Well for one, your not restricted to really do anything, you can free-lance around. You have a WAY GREATER movability range then in fusion, inf. bomb jumping is always fun and takes little time to perfect, wall jumping is a little harder, once you get used to the controls you're fine.  Over all I liked the game better for the creativity they used to design the maps, its always hard to get some missile expansions like in ridley  :?  but still fun.