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I'll usually damage boost him until he goes up and shoot from below him. Usually I don't have that many left before he's dead. Sometimes I'll get lucky too, and he'll shoot fireballs before he dies giving me a really healthy amount of missiles.
I'm assuming then that you get the third energy tank right before him, because otherwise it seems like you'd die before he goes up. I usually damage boost from him until I've shot ~20 missiles into him and then go over to the right wall. When he goes up he almost always shoots fireballs, so I shoot my four supers quickly before he gets them out, then missile spam until he dies. usually this leaves me with 49 health and 15 missiles as long as I don't do anything stupid.
I do get a second energy tank in a single segment run, but it's not needed in a segmented run. Samus will live with 19 health or so left if you do it properly. I know what strategy you are talking about though, and it's not quite as fast as this one. It's a good one, but not the fastest.
Ah yes, I get to learn a new strategy for that dumb boss!
So, if I'm hearing this correct, you shoot three supers, then spam missiles until he starts spitting fire at you. Then you run into him once he starts shooting fire and fire your last super, then once he goes up, shoot him from underneath until he dies?

That should explain it for you =). Hopefully you do it a little better than that though. It wasn't great in my run.
I promise I will screw it up terribly since I basically just picked up the game XD
Back to practicing segment 2 and studying for the SAT. Thank you Sam! This should get me my sub 15 soon enough (15:14 so far)
Edit history:
Solasel: 2014-05-02 11:21:39 pm
Any% Normal Single Segment in 28:38
Sub 29! Whoo! Thanks to sam for the new Ridley Strat!

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Thomaz: 2014-05-03 07:18:38 pm
Wow, very nice. I can't believe the speed you're improving. I really need to get of my ass and get a good run done.
I believe in you Thomaz!
But I will have no mercy in bopping you out of 3rd place :P
I'm sure you don't. =P That's what I get for not playing this game nearly as much as I probably should eh? Thanks though. =)
Well you have May to strengthen your run while I'm paralyzed by testing. Unless I somehow get sub-28 while doing my 1 run per day lol
Hm, btw. Color me confused, but why would you ever run 24% SS? It's clearly slower to run unless you get absurd luck. Not something you'll get, most likely.
Well I usually run 25% SS, with 50/6 and 199 energy. I was going through and I forgot one of the missile tanks, so I just decided to keep going and see what I got. I ended up with 45/6/199. Mostly it was because I've been doing a lot of segmented lately and I forgot the missile near the second super missile tank.
I did happen to get all the green rinkas near mother brain to drop what I wanted in short order (2 super missile refills and 4 missile refills), so I guess I was extremely lucky.
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Solasel: 2014-05-07 01:32:34 am
Any% normal SS in 28:22

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Eagle: 2014-05-08 10:39:49 am
I haven't played ZM in something like 8 years, but I was randomly linked to this thread on Reddit's r/speedrun and noticed that my old time was actually on the list. I'd forgotten how close I got to the record back then, and I'm super impressed to see that the segmented any% time is actually sub 27 now. Spidey widey was already doing really well back then, so grats to him!

Once I'm done with exams I might just pick up ZM again and have another go at it.
Let the runs begin!
Good luck Eagle! Exams are crippling me too. Otherwise I'd knuckle down and get sub 28. I feel your pain.
Quote from Eagle:
I haven't played ZM in something like 8 years, but I was randomly linked to this thread on Reddit's r/speedrun and noticed that my old time was actually on the list. I'd forgotten how close I got to the record back then, and I'm super impressed to see that the segmented any% time is actually sub 27 now. Spidey widey was already doing really well back then, so grats to him!

Once I'm done with exams I might just pick up ZM again and have another go at it.

=o its Eagle
ZOMG IT'S EAGLE!!!1!11!!

Exams are imminent for me too. I'll see about picking up ZM again once they're over. (My SS is, I think, pretty outdated in terms of strats now, and the segmented run is also slightly outdated and full of mistakes.) I also want to finally get around to doing a better 0% SS run of Fusion, but ZM is more fun. :P

Great to see you again, though. If you learn from some of the more recent runs, I imagine you'll be able to better your position on the leaderboard significantly and soon. ;)
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kirbymastah: 2014-05-09 10:30:53 pm
Quote from spidey-widey:
ZOMG IT'S EAGLE!!!1!11!!

Exams are imminent for me too. I'll see about picking up ZM again once they're over. (My SS is, I think, pretty outdated in terms of strats now, and the segmented run is also slightly outdated and full of mistakes.) I also want to finally get around to doing a better 0% SS run of Fusion, but ZM is more fun. :P

Great to see you again, though. If you learn from some of the more recent runs, I imagine you'll be able to better your position on the leaderboard significantly and soon. ;)

Sub-50 100% and sub-27 any% SS incoming

also would be awesome if you can stream
My SS is, I think, pretty outdated in terms of strats now

Any% hasn't really changed very much in like 10 years >_>;.
If you watch the 27:24 from start to finish, you'll see outdated (and slower) strats being used all over the place. The difference is pretty stark in my opinion. Not much difference at all as far as the route is concerned, of course.

Sub-50 100% and sub-27 any% SS incoming

also would be awesome if you can stream

Yep, hopefully both will happen. :P Streaming would be neat, but it might not happen for another while. I'll probably be at home for most of the summer, and my home internet is awful (my upload speed there averages about 20 kB/s when no one else in the house is using the internet).
I mean these outdated and slower strats probably constitute about 20 seconds worth of time at most if that (if I could think of new strats to begin with other than like not healing in Norfair or something like that), but I can't say that I've ever  watched the full run lol.