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Lemon Zinger Weapon
Quote from J-SNAKE:
to clarify:
Clearly, PLG is J-SNAKE, I cannot stand that guy and what he is doing with his project. I can do it million times better, so I dropped him out of the window with my ultimate power and claim now my reign for the sake of best quality for MSR388!!!

I TOLD you guys that ProjectLeaderGuy was a murderer...
(user is banned)
Edit history:
J-SNAKE: 2009-02-27 06:13:36 pm
thats me
Quote from Opium:
This thread was so much less confusing when it was about SR388.

Ähhh, you surely mean when it was about special-effects. Other than that to be honest (why shouldn't I?) I know nothing about MSR388 and I hardly think anyone else does:

Quote from Von Richter:
This trailer only shows the tiniest portion of what this game is all about. I'm a big fan of keeping almost everything secret, to maintain the thrill of discovery for the player. This is especially important for an exploration/adventure game.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2009-07-02 10:48:30 am
I still say they're different.  I found some pics on the net and clearly as anyone can see...  They're completely different people.

That ProjectLeaderGuy looks sinister.

Edit: LOL. I misspelled Chief...  Must've been laughing too hard.  laugh new

WANTED: Lead Coder

Anyone capable of taking over the lead coder position? I'm entering extensive album sessions and won't have time to code for awhile and I would hate to let it sit during that time. You'll need to prove that you know what you're doing with some example of your work or something. You'll also need to agree to complete confidentiality... we do not want project spoiler leaks.

It should be straightforward to pick up where I'm leaving off. But I'd like someone capable of doing something like this from scratch, even though they wouldn't be doing so in this case. As you know, the whole project has been moved to GM to save time/sanity, so at least some familiarity with GM would be needed.

Well organized and direct, simple code is a must so myself and other coders can understand it, and to avoid bugs and so on. I do not want to be trying to make sense out of nested loops 8-layers deep, frivolous variable glut, and other absurdities.

This isn't a casual thing to take on really. If you aren't serious about it do not reply.

The best part about this whole process is working in a group in a collaborative environment, so it is enjoyable if fan projects are your cup of tea. But it's still a lot of hard work/time so please make absolutely sure you really have the sustained interest and obsession with classic 2D Metroid to do this.

I will remain on as producer/director and also continue contributing to the, graphics, music and sound FX aspects.

I can't help you with that but I'll at leaast bump this so more people get to see it
New lead coder found!

Thanks to all applicants!
No problem :D

I can't wait to see the final product though <_<
Ready to internet!
Not been on in a good 3-4 weeks. Any new developments made? Or not?
Have you stopped working on the demo or you are working on the actual project? Question

plz answer Very Happy
You do realize that nobody has even replied in 2-3 months right? Even then, a status hasn't even been posted in over 2 1/2 months from ProjectLeaderGuy. From my understanding, they aren't going to release any new material until the final project is finished....IF it gets finished. We will just have to wait and see. Only time will tell with a project this big.
I'm not giving up hope.  I know it will be released.  It's just got to, man.  It's GOT to. 
Ready to internet!
Quote from Opium:
I'm not giving up hope.  I know it will be released.  It's just got to, man.  It's GOT to. 

WOAH, just got flashbacks of a GameFAQs user. An EarthBounder who constantly hoped that EB would eventually be released on the Virtual Console. It annoyed us all and even inspired an alt account. It's quite epic...
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Mista_Smegheneghan:
An EarthBounder who constantly hoped that EB would eventually be released on the Virtual Console. It annoyed us all and even inspired an alt account.

You make it sound like there's just one of them. That's very silly.
Ready to internet!
Quote from tomatobob:
You make it sound like there's just one of them. That's very silly.

Oh, I know there are many. This one guy practically trolled the VC/WiiWare boards with "Nintendo better damn well release EarthBound this monday!" topics (with slight variations so as to not appear stale). He's been Warned, and seems to have slowed down dramatically. Or he's gone back to the EB board.
ProjectLeaderGuy wasn't on a specific aeroplane I can think of was he?
No, he wasn't....BTW that is a horrible tragic accident.....I feel bad for all those families who worried for 3 days knowing that more than likely they perished, but no evidence was found.

Alright.....back on topic. Sorry.
whats up with the site http://metroidsr388.com

why is it only a white blank page?

where is projectleaderguy!?!?
Site has been down for a while now. Really saddens me :(
so where is he and why is the site down?
Wish I knew heh. I check it quite often in hopes to see something else besides white, but no such luck.
Also he has deleted his videos in his youtube channel Crying or Very sad
this is sad....
It looked like so much work had been done already.  I wonder if the project has been totally abandoned, and if there was a cease-and-desist order behind it.  Guess I can always cross my fingers that one day it will show up out of the blue like a gift from heaven,  but it doesn't look good. 
Quote from Steyiak:
Also he has deleted his videos in his youtube channel Crying or Very sad

I searched for one a day or two ago and it came up as Private...  So maybe not every video was taken down. :-/

I've said it once and I'll say it again.  This is either very good or very bad.  And I'd like to think VR/"PLG" would have the decency to fess up and say whether it was all over or not.

So I AM expecting something to happen...  The only question is is when it will happen.

That's so true in many areas of life. extra_smug
Ready to internet!
Aw man.

If it was a "Cease and Desist" order, Destructoid (his blog location) would've reported on it, cause they told the world that the CT fan-game got shut down by Squeenix. We'd've heard more news if it was a definitive shut-down. So he's either stopped work on it and removed all knowledge of it (very bad for those wanting to play it) OR he's hiding everything to have a really big reveal that the entire thing will be in 8-bit and will play exactly like Metroid! which I have no idea of what it is.