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Destroyer of Pirates
it's not dead, von's pulling a sneaky one on us........................................i think

maybe he's going to catch us off guard and take us by storm
(user is banned)
thats me
on short vacation
Well, the website IS getting renovated
And has been for quite some time now.
So, the sites dead?
no message from him?  Whistle
Ready to internet!
TwinNova: Let's hope not.
(user is banned)
thats me
He is fed up with too much hype and expectations but wants personally best for his artwork what I really appreciate.
Just needs some rest from that, will be back in a while, no doubt about that.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
You speak as if he actually told you this.  Is that true? Eh?
Armor Guardian
I was under the impression that "real life" has been getting in his way. He currently has limited computer/internet access.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
J-SNAKE: 2009-01-21 08:39:56 pm
thats me
Quote from Quietus:
You speak as if he actually told you this.  Is that true? Eh?

It was my forecast longer before (see it between the lines).
Anyway, I support people who really love being creative.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Quietus:
You speak as if he actually told you this.  Is that true? Eh?

J-SNAKE can see the foo-ture.
The site seems to be down :( This fills me with much sad.
(user is banned)
Breathe in the Future, Breathe out the Past
If this project is actually dead then that's fucking pathetic.
The site can be accessed again, but there's nothing new from the last few months.
Maybe Von has Internet problems, and the demo is ready, but he just cannot upload it.
Incoming logs from #sr388

[23:00] <%darthbobby> From yesterday:  IE, have you heard anything abot Von?  Or heard from him rather.
[23:01] <@LadyIcy> Yeah
[23:01] <@LadyIcy> Anything at all?
[23:02] <infinitys_end> yes.
[23:02] <infinitys_end> i have
[23:02] <infinitys_end> please take what i say with a grain of salt
[23:02] <infinitys_end> but i think Von is a little more concerned with trying to make a living right now
[23:02] <infinitys_end> we're in economic crisis, etc.
[23:03] <infinitys_end> fan games might have to take a back seat.
[23:03] <infinitys_end> he's not dead, blah blah
[23:03] <infinitys_end> a lot of the reason he might seem to be "ducking out" has a lot to do with his name
[23:03] <infinitys_end> he told me he's concerned with MSR388 being attached to his real name, which may affect his career, so he may come back with some kind of pseudonym
[23:04] <infinitys_end> i can't say for sure though
[23:04] <infinitys_end> like, he may try to make a living off of his own personal website, and MSR388 would be attracting people to it, possibly
[23:04] <infinitys_end> which he would then be "making money" on MSR388's popularity
[23:05] <infinitys_end> get it?
[23:05] <%darthbobby> yeah.  thanks
[23:05] <%Hiro|LPing> All I know, is that he showed up in hear about 2 months ago acting all strange and paranoid about something. I would still like to know what that was about, but I don't think you'd know
[23:06] <infinitys_end> no i'm not sure what that's all about
[23:06] <%Hiro|LPing> Although, I definitely understand what you mean about his name being associated with SR388
[23:06] <infinitys_end> i'm actually going to visit him when i go to GDC in march
[23:06] <%darthbobby> Of course life supercedes a game anyday.  We were just concerned because we haven't heard from him. We thought he might stop in to say "hello" or "I'm okay, just taking a break" or something.  We were clueless.  He could have gotten attacked by large barbaric monkeys in Maui Maui or something
[23:07] <infinitys_end> heh
[23:08] <%darthbobby> But if you talk to him again soon, tell him that the folks for #sr388 were concerned about him, and we hope he's doing ok.
[23:09] <%darthbobby> folks from*
[23:09] <infinitys_end> yeah i will.  don't worry about it, he'll be back before you know it

This was from one week ago.  Interpret it as you will.
Armor Guardian
This is the latest thing I've heard/seen from Von:

Ready to internet!
Remember, MSR388 was a fan project he worked on "on the side". And on the site redesign, those can take quite a while to get running properly. Once it's been a year or two and no update, that's when first-class bitching can commence.
Edit history:
Gaius_4: 2009-02-12 11:56:50 am
Nobody should complain if he takes some time off (and I'm not pointing any fingers, just saying).  Because usually someone can come back with renewed vigor and inspiration.

And if he is (still?) job hunting - I wish him the best in finding something that he's happy with and will pay the darn awful bills and/or child support payments. 

laugh new  j/k on that last one.

Edit: Unless he's in that situation...  I didn't mean it that way and I'm sorry.  Embarassed
As long as he doesn't make any money DIRECTLY from SR388 he should have nothing whatsoever to worry about.  The fact that it gets his name out there and that may lead to potential money making opportunities indirectly should not cause him any problems.
Sup all?

I've been feeling the crunch and scrambling to secure my livelihood, but I was also getting over a failed love for awhile (I'm over the love thing now thankfully), and doing a bit of traveling/adventuring. Sorry I left the site in a state of disarray, I meant to get the new page up and running before adventuring but you know, a site really isn't all that important.

When I come back It'll be under a pseudonym of some kind.

Before worrying too much: even if the MSR388 project as currently envisioned were to end for whatever reason, there are excellent contingency plans for the materials, code and editor utilities.


No idea what the guy who said I came on here all "paranoid about something" is talking about.
Was mostly just concerned about you, Von! Last I'd known, your computer was having bad times x.x
True White Dragon
If you don't want me to go into what happened the last time I bumped into you in the SR388 chatroom or on the SR388 message board, I won't. But it certainly was enough to give me cause for concern, as you didn't seem yourself.

I'm glad to hear you're alive and well. It had been quite some time since the last time you showed up anywhere.

EDIT: Upon reading you post again, VR, I think I finally have my answer for why you were acting so strangely that time. If so, then it confirms the suspicions I had back then as well, and I'm sorry to hear about what happened.
omg....vr.....is alive !!

so cool to see ya.  XOXOX