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Ready and willing.
Heck yeah! Are you working on some vids of the speed tricks there? Are there speed tricks?
maybe if i understood what i was seeing... :/

maybe scarlet can point out some things that should be listed. or maybe my life will stop being all over me and i can get some free time to 'get into' metroid.
Ready and willing.
Heh. You're doing a good job of finding time for the site.

Yeah, the only thing an untrained eye that didn't go and try what happened would notice was the varia w/o high jump stuff... both the good and the bad (at least in part 1).
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
There's some faster stuff you can skip over supposedly, like the Screw Attack, but I find getting it worth the extra minutes because it makes some badguys a lot easier, as well as lets you just jump through..but whatever.

The bomb boost jump is a quicker way to get out of the Ice Beam room (which isn't needed, either).

Then there's skipping the bosses altogether, but you have to keep going back out of Mother Brain's chamber and get Missile refills from Metroids, and that takes longer than just beating the bosses anyway (and you have to be playing on emu to make it fast).

I'll redo some runs hopefully with more speed; those runs were more or less tape filler on-the-fly.

I think I could reduce the time of the run to about 35 mins or less if I played the game more. =/

Yeah, thanks for putting up with all the crap I've been sending, Nate.
Quote from Red Scarlet Bulleta:
Then there's skipping the bosses altogether, but you have to keep going back out of Mother Brain's chamber and get Missile refills from Metroids, and that takes longer than just beating the bosses anyway (and you have to be playing on emu to make it fast).

Don't you need to beat them in order to open the path to Tourian, kinda like in Super Metroid?
Preparing to watch the first video...I have a feeling I'm about to be seriously schooled.

Oh, and incidentally--does this mean a Super Metroid section is in the cards?
Metroid (I) scares the shit out of me.
lol no way
Wow, that's way cool. You should post some of those classic Metroid tricks though (the early Varia, the roll-off-edge-unmorph-jump deal...). I would watch the vids, but I'm at school... will watch them tonight.
Wow! It's just like when I play Metroid. 

Only he knows where he's going.

And doesn't die.

Also, I will be humming that blasted NES music the rest of the day.

Hmm. Hm-hm-hm-hmm. Hm-hm-hm-hmm....
Quote from Tetris Ling:
Wow! It's just like when I play Metroid. 

Only he knows where he's going.

And doesn't die.

and isn't male.
and isn't male.

Would you believe I actually worried about that when I used the word 'he'?  That English has no gender neutral third person singular pronoun is one of my few complaints about the language.
you could always have used zie.
Hark! Zie is the one we all envy! Come forth into the shallow darkness so we can stone zie! Once Zie sees the light, zie shall know!
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
If the videos school anything, they should simply be a refresher course on how to get through decently fast. ^^
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
You don't need to beat either boss to get into Tourian.

You can just go to the statue room, go back through the door, and one of those Rio monsters can be lured through to the statue room, frozen, and then used to bomb jump from into Tourian.

But IMO it takes too long to get a decent supply of Missiles (15 is the minimum needed I think), and to get lucky and get Missile refills from Metroids to keep going.

In the Mother Brain room, as you have 15 Missiles, you'd have to use no more than 10 per Zeebetite (giving you 2 misses), then hope a Metroid gives you a Missile refill or you're screwed.

The damage done to Mother Brain supposedly stays even when you leave a room, but only as long as you get Missile refills.
Get 1 Energy refill from a Metroid, and Mother Brain gets all her health back.

So more or less, this type of run on a console could end up taking hours and hours to finish.

Not very fast..but a cool idea nonetheless to pretty much try on an emulator.

Hopefully there soon will be a Super Metroid section...  :o
check out my 17 minute run

Ready and willing.
17 minutes... that number sounds familiar...
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
17 minutes? I smell a cheat.
These videos are hoax - they haven't been played honestly.
- That's not the point. We're not demonstrating talents here. We're making cool videos.

And this is why quicksaves and slowdowns are used. Nobody is as perfect as the videos are.

^--as stated on the site.
Ready and willing.
Yep, 17 minutes. The magic number. And he tried to claim it as his own, too...
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Bleh, I hate those cheated runs. There's nothing impressive about that. I know it's still time consuming and everything, but it's not real. See Sess's 1% Fusion run as an example of how to make something that looks good without resorting to cheap bullshit tactics like slowdown and savestates.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Just look at the URL Tooz, it's another Mario3 vid.

Probably nifty to watch though.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from Red Scarlet Bulleta:
Probably nifty to watch though.

I won't give them the satisfaction.  :P
Ditto :D  I find it completely retarded, but that's just me.