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What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Missiles can open blue doors in every Metroid game except for Prime...
red chamber dream
Yeah, I was talking about Prime when I said it, I think.
First of all, I was the one who told you to post this here, as I have NO idea why they don't work.  Second of all:

Quote from GameAddict:
Here's a challenge for the scientific ones to figure out; Dark beam, Light beam, Dark visor, Echoes visor, Dark suit and just to be different; Samus's Ship, MP2:E turrets (The ones space pirates hop into on the demo), and how the "Special" pirates are immune to all but one beam weapon.

I believe that the Light and Dark beam…
ammo comes from the actual distruction of the enemy.  Each enemy contains an equal amount of light and dark energy.  When the beam hits, the only thing it cannot destroy is the alternate energy because it overwhelms the shot.  Therefore, the ammo is released instead.  When a Power shot hits, it can only take out one of the energies in the enemy and only one type of ammo is released

The Echoes visor
is just a basic echolocation visor.  It can "see" the pulses that are being given off and it shoots small pulses that bounce and are retrieved by the "ears" of the suit. 

As for the Dark visor,
the dark energy given off by the atmosphere (even in the light world) can be seen by the special detectors and then the visor turns into a screen.  (I believe that Thermal, X-Ray, Dark and Echo visors make the screen opaque and display instead on a transparent LCD inside.  That would also explain the other displays on the screen.

Maybe Samus is issued a different ship (out of about 5 ones) for each mission.

I have no clue about the demo turrets.

I have an excellent theory about the color-coded pirates.  Their shield can block all types of beam except the one that they use because…

If they tried to block the beam that they are using, it would bounce off of the inside of the shield, and kill them!Laughing It would be cool if they were that stupid.

Basically, it would be like throwing a Superball around a frame of a Space Pirate made of plexiglass.  Replace that with a plasma droplet and you've got serious problems.  (assuming you replace the plexiglass with their shield)

Quote from ridley4:
The atoms of the plasma/wave beam move so so fast it can go though certain enemies and/or things but why the wave cant go through enemies is that its frequency is not that of most enemies but when you add the plasma to the wave the plamsa's frequency takes over and how the plasma damages is that the atoms move the atoms out of place causing major damage internally[if that is true the space pirates are tough as old boots on the outside]and how the atoms dont go flying apart is that their gravity is strong enough to hold then all together

Wink Ever seen the movie ClockStoppers?  Remember when the guy accelerated his molecules so fast that he walked right through the titanium wall?  That explains the wave beam.  About the plasma beam: real plasma is like hydrochloric acid times a billion.  Real plasma can only be contained by a magnetic field because--have any of you heard of nuclear fusion?--when atoms get that hot, they break into protons, electrons and neutrons.  Basically, the periodic table turns to mush.  (albiet VERY powerful mush)  If the Plasma beam in Prime were real plasma, it would melt…just about anything.  The gun wouldn't even have a powerful enough magnetic field to contain the heat.  It would explain the rumor about Samus's arm canon being powered by a Fusion reactor though…

I would guess that Samus's digestive system and some other systems  stop working and the suit replaces the functions of them.  Basically Samus only ate once and then the suit took over.  It carries out the functions of Photosynthesis and turns the glucose over to her mitochondria.  When the glucose has been recycled back into CO2, energy and oxygen.  Or possibly, the suit uses the energy produced by the fusion to form the bond between ADP and the P to form ATP.  This way would be much more efficent as glucose can only release less than half the energy that went into making it.  She would also need a glucose injection every once in a while so she doesn't run out of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. 

Also, anyone have any guesses on what the Power Beam is made of?

I guess that it is made of the pure energy released by the fusion reaction. 

Quote from YamiiMatt:
The spazer/wide beam upgrade from the Chozo inserts small energy 'slits' (? can't think of the word) into the arm cannon, thus causing the energy to 'split' and spread into segments. It doesn't effect missles, because when she fires them, the cannon 'opens', (you know what I mean) and removes the 'slits'.

And whoever mentioned seeing through walls- we don't know anything about it, because it isn't first person. We don't know what kind of visor she's wearing, or whatever. (Haven't played much of MP, just the early parts.)

I believe that the beams are in a spiral (at least the wave beam because it really is in a spiral in Metroid Fusion) and the rest of the "wide" beams.

Whew, that was long!
I think the power beam is made of lightning. Go figure.
how the wavebuster homes: all living/mechanical things contain some form of electricity in them, which the wavebuster is attracted to.

how the boost ball works: when u get the powerup, it add a second shell on top of the first one. its connected by the pointy pins on either side of the ball, and when u "charge" it, the inner shell starts to spin via a mini motor, then when u releasethe charge, it locks in place, creating potential energy, which is channeled into the outer shell, making it spin rapidly, making the ball move.

Grapple beam: in the grapple beam thing on her arm, theres a big tube shaped vacuum. this has positively charged particles inside it, and the walls are positively/negatively (whichever repels the particles) charged. there is a gun in the elbow end (like an electron gun) which can suck in and fire these particles, keeping them in a constant movement pattern, back and forth inside the thing. when samus wants to fire it, she points it at a grapple node,  the wrist end opens, the particles stream out, and attach to the correctly charged node. the particles are kept in a straight beam due to the magnetic attraction, and the gun could continually suck in and fire the particles, preventing them from flying off, and exiting the module. this is how it stays constant. to retract it, the gun stops, making the particles bounce off the node, back into the module, where the gun collects them all. th end closes when theyre all inside.

also, why does the phazon suit turn the power suit black? why not phazon blue with the funny "veins" all over it, like the phazon beam has?
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
All I know is that the Phazon brings darkness, a la Dark Aether...  maybe that has something to do with her suit turning black.
red chamber dream
I think the Phazon Suit would have looked cooler with blue and black instead of red and black. But it still looks pretty kick-ass.
This is useful information for the Space pirate HQ department of science now we can create a save prototype of the morphball the huntress will be defeated  Twisted Evil

121089 out
*shoots Fusioner so he can't report the information*

A comment on the idea that the wave beam is spiral, it could be a form of Rail Gun then?
You mean electromagnetic? Maybe the cannon would store it's energy like that, then fire it off in a style similar to a railgun.
I made a picture:

I wish I could make something better…
soaking through
I am very confused.
I am having a hard time describing here what I actually mean…

This may help: 

Quote from USBCD36:
I am having a hard time describing here what I actually mean…

This may help: 

<big image here>

I think you mean like this, and also this is the way I think the beam "moves" , they are like digging what  they touch,...
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Can't we just say it moves in and out like it does in Prime?
Not quite entirely Metroid-physics related, buuuuuuuuut....


has some neato info that maybe others can apply >_<