lost 5 energy from lava at the start of Fiery Shores (-5) I only got 1 health drop from the first set of boxes instead of 2 in Fiery Shores (-10) I could probably get drops from the second set of boxes in Fiery Shores (-20?) I could get more drops in monitor station probably? (-30)
All together: ~65 energy can be saved maybe? 2 tank should be possible!?
Strength needs to be collected either on the way to Phendrana or on the way out (I'd imagine it's faster on the way out, but that VMR is already longer so I'm not sure it's better to stack the artifact on top of it). A TAS would probably get 3 Tanks even if 2 is possible because of this, but if I can make 2 possible, that just means I have even more energy to get the Artifact with 3 tanks. Instead of the 60 extra health in this video, I'd have 99+. The reason I have the extra tanks is so I can time an optimized VMR both with and without Strength. There is also the tank in the last room of Magmoor before the elevator, so collecting it could maybe make a VMR back to Chozo able to collect Strength on the way.
Alright so it seems there are two potential drops from the boxes in monitor station that are completely free with this strat, I just fire another missile as I lock onto the puffer. There's another potential drop in Fiery Shores from the set of 3 boxes midway through the room. That 30 energy plus the 20 I lost from not caring to manipulate RNG would make 3 Tank with Strength seem barely possible with optimization.
I'm pretty sure a VMR back through to Chozo could be made faster/more energy efficient by wallcrawling up to the Artifact of Nature. The main reason being that heat damage is doubled in the room with Nature, so navigating to the artifact with the map on the wrong room would save a lot of energy, and the artifact would place the map back on the room once collected. The wallcrawl would be a giant pain in the ass because practically every room would require shooting at the position a puffer is going to be in when it loads and then using charge beam to get the drops out of bounds so I can scan dash on them and hopefully collect them after with charge beam again. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you can collect the E-Tank well in the SW, so it'd probably have to be collected on the way in? Which could lead to problems because it would mean you need more energy.
I think that ideally I'd want to get Strength with 3 tanks as well as the Tank before the elevator in trip 1, then refill health in Phendrana from drops, and wallcrawl back for trip 2. Hopefully I can make it possible.
Edit: looks like the Etank doesn't take nearly as long as I'd expected, this could be optimized by burning a bomb so I don't have to wait for the refill and also just be optimized in general.
This is about even with inbounds and a 15 square, it has more room for improvement though so it'd probably find it's way into a run and save 2-3 seconds.
I started messing with Etanks today, Main Plaza takes around 7ish seconds, and HOTE takes 9 in this video:
I hopefully only need one other tank, I'm just kind of praying it'll be possible to get Strength with 3. So I need to find a fast way to collect the Furnace, or Training Chamber, or even possibly the Underwater Frigate tank. Training Chamber would likely be ideal if possible, if I can find a way out of that little area without bombs then I could use the terrible ghetto jump SW in that room and continue on with early Power Bombs.