I'm certain this is possible, but I'm not qualified to pull off something this crazy without more knowledge on instant unmorphs and camera movement. It seems as though doing a 3BSJ effects the camera in a way that makes instant unmorphs incredibly unlikely here. I should really say "even more incredibly unlikely" seeing as how difficult it is to even get one with a 2BSJ.
Anyway, that video unmorphed early, because I couldn't get an instant unmorph going any higher with that camera. It also used a very unoptimal 3BJ because I couldn't get an instant unmorph at all with an optimized one. Theoretically speaking: a perfect 3BJ (bomb #2 laid 7 frames after bomb #1, and bomb #3 laid 6 frames after bomb #2) and a last frame instant unmorph would be high enough to land on the pole.
I need 60.47 to land on the pole. A later unmorph with this intentionally sloppy 3BJ would give me 60.07, and a perfect 3BSJ should give just over 60.5.
wow! it's brilliant that you decided to look into this! did M177 ask you about this? ^^
i hope you can find a way to have the camera behave in a way that enables you to get enough height "easily", so ppl can actually do this as a secondary 21% challenge ;)
You can also push against the wall or corner at various times (frames?) during ascent/descent to slow your movement so that you not only have control over where the bombs are placed but when they go off. Dunno what combination of height/speed/distance-from-the-wall restrictions will give an instant unmorph. Do beefier bomb jumps not give instant unmorphs, or do those exist but you are working for a faster 3BSJ?
Also, does "R" affect vertical motion after unmorphing like it does when moving horizontally? Would it be possible to gain height by looking down as much as possible for the 1st jump then using an L-lock spring space jump as the 2nd one?
Completely unrelated but an idea for possible faster traversal for some large or tall rooms while OOB (and some in bounds): the boost unmorph trick like used in the Crashed Frigate SW. I thought of this before seeing Baby Sheegoth's post on the last page, I swear!
So what is itspersonal trying to achieve exactly? where in magmoor is the video recorded and wha would getting into that SW achieve? I thought there were plenty of other access points in SW in magmoor?
I am curious though. How does getting that pb expansion work exactly? Training Chamber is loaded, and there's a hallway between Training Chamber and Magma Pool, isn't there? You can secretize a room from another secretized room?
amazing watch! i really love to see such crazy things, though I don't understand the same thing that Odylg doesn't and I also don't get how you abused the camera for an instant unmorph in the room after Ruined Fountain. although I don't understand everything (or even BECAUSE of this), it's very nice to watch this TAS so far!
you can skip the wave+sun IS by entering the wave fight normally, killing 3 baby sheegoths and breaking the back on 1, then going into the SW, walking over to sun and shooting the 4th sheegoth's feet through the floor with a missile (killing it and activating the timer for the adult sheegoth cutscene), and then infinite boosting into into Sun and getting re-positioned by the cutscene.
amazing watch! i really love to see such crazy things, though I don't understand the same thing that Odylg doesn't and I also don't get how you abused the camera for an instant unmorph in the room after Ruined Fountain. although I don't understand everything (or even BECAUSE of this), it's very nice to watch this TAS so far!
Basically, he locks onto the ghost, drops down to the door frame, transitions into the adjacent room and dashes, lands at a very particular height to pick up the power bomb and clip through the roof, then ceiling warps into Magma Pool.
The camera is broken because of the wall crawl through Piston Tunnel.