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I wonder if there's some sort of bizarre way to enter a secret world in the phazon/tallon elevator and get 20%. Mines without spider took nearly a decade to find, so really anything's not out of the question.

Here's video comparing the non-TAS run with our TAS so far with removed loads so you can get an idea of how much time has been saved so far.
I was actually also wondering if there are any ideas for the route a TAS run would use?
I like how they have an extensive list on Zeldaspeedruns, for at least TWW. (Didn't check the other games.)

It would also be nice if there was a run for both the NTSC version and the PAL version, because there are so many differences.
And maybe a low% run for both?

Sorry for a n00b question, but since I don't know so much about TAS, what are the main problems which take so long...?
The only thing I know of off the bat, is one of the rooms that's done in-bounds in regular runs is actually faster, when performed flawlessly, out of bounds.

Also, we can grab the Wave Beam before the fight by going OoB with a TAS.
Quote from sabata2:
Also, we can grab the Wave Beam before the fight by going OoB with a TAS.

That'd be cool to see. I always wondered if it was possible to grab it before the fight if you boosted onto it fast enough. But I realized it doesn't work.
But isn't there a door lock that prevents you from exiting before fighting Sheegoth? I don't remember, actually. I vaguely remember there isn't. Hmm.
But how much time would you save on that? The fight is over really quickly.
Yes, there's a lock preventing exit.

So it's possible to get the beam early, but we'd need to find a way to get back OoB to make it useful during a TAS.
Quote from sabata2:
Yes, there's a lock preventing exit.

So it's possible to get the beam early, but we'd need to find a way to get back OoB to make it useful during a TAS.

Is there an opening in the ceiling? I guess all TAS'ers need to look at this. I am quite clueless. Since I haven't seen how you get in there first, I don't know if it's possible to get out the same way. But it seems very hard to get back out through the open ceiling, at least.
You can jump on a sheegoth and then jump oob
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
you can also jump of the wall beside the Sheegoth.
Well... that answers that.

I guess we should expect it in the TAS once it gets off of the space station.
Is there a video for this? I have never seen anything like it. Then, of course, I haven't watched OoB vids for this game other than the more useful ones from the past.
Edit history:
sabata2: 2012-11-28 09:30:06 pm
Quote from Met_A_Ridley:
Is there a video for this? I have never seen anything like it. Then, of course, I haven't watched OoB vids for this game other than the more useful ones from the past.

Quote from itsPersonnal:
Kso, This SW is gay and I hate it.

Its 11 frames slower in this video to wallcrawl to the Sheegoth fight, but in the actual TAS we won't be switching to Chapel Of The Elders then back to Chapel Tunnel (We only did that so we could see what we were doing to make things a little easier) so basically the wallcrawl is no doubt faster when it comes to starting the fight, but that's irrelevant because the SW route also has to leave via SW, and that SW is a dick to get into.

Oh and I have actually gotten much closer to actually landing on the stand-able part then in this video, but still no luck actually standing on it <______<

It was 3 pages back.
Quote from sabata2:
It was 3 pages back.

Thanks. Sorry for my n00b questions and especially when it may be in this thread already.
I am just looking for some quick replies to basic stuff, since I am not familiar with TAS and MP until just recently.

But I am wondering, again, what are the main obstacles in making a TAS run? Why is it so time consuming?
I would just like a quick sum-up.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Quote from Met_A_Ridley:
Why is it so time consuming?

We're lazy fucks and never get around to working on it.
Also because optimizing is a ridiculous pain.
Quote from ptorflaxendrosis:
Also because optimizing is a ridiculous pain.

Optimizing? Optimizing what? I think you guys need to tell me a bit more how TAS works for MP...
Do you run it in Dolphin? Do you slow the game speed down? How often do you save?
He means optimizing things like movement, how well and fast a trick is done etc.
TAS is done in an emulator like Dolphin using frame advance (Playing the game frame by frame.) and save-stating VERY often to get every little thing optimized to achieve what you see as the end product.
60 frames a day keep the nadder away.
Edit history:
Hazel: 2012-12-05 02:14:33 pm
Hazel: 2012-12-05 02:14:19 pm
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Just to put this into prospective: The first WIP (work in progress) we used over 18000 rerecords (saved and loaded state over 18000 times) and that video is only 5 and a half minutes long and roughly half of it is cutscene, which doesn't need to be optimized.
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
meh why dont you just do some test tases to test the actual route and to get an idea how much time you can save.
finishing a couple of full tasses would be more entertaining then watching a 5 minute tas of the frigate again and again
well the frigate tas'es are pretty awesome but yeah.
rocks, locks, and invisible blocks
Ummmmmmm, ok.
Uhhh.. First off thanks for making all videos accessible through iPhone! Second, mrspeedrun aren't you decently far with your tas through the ruins? Why not just continue and label it "test" for reference? I mean I know TAS is painstakingly ridiculous in terms of time consumption but you have the farthest progress I've seen so far
Edit history:
MrSpEeDrUn: 2012-12-19 10:31:23 am
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
cause it took me weeks of work and screw it.
worst idea ever....
its horrendously arduous to do with the way i recorded it.
Then why do you expect Personnal to do it if you wont'?
MP2 also a bit MP1 speedrunning
its horrendously arduous to do with the way i recorded it.