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Quote from Syl:
Quote from SpecialK:
Am I the only one who liked the style of Wind Waker?

nah, i also really thought it fit perfectly and was one of the best graphical styles for establing "realism" (not realistic)

but, i also love the new one, i realized i really don't care what zelda looks like, as long as its zelda. pretty just helps.

Exactly. Miyamoto is the new Midas: anything he touches is golden, regardless of graphical style.
soaking through
Gaijin, You don't happen to read NGC do you?
Quote from Namu:
Gaijin, You don't happen to read NGC do you?

Nope, don't even know what it is.  Couldn't find anything on Google that seemed to make sense either.

soaking through
Nevermind.  It's just a UK GC magazine that has an ongoing joke about Tingle, along the lines of what you were talking about.
Quote from Namu:
Nevermind.  It's just a UK GC magazine that has an ongoing joke about Tingle, along the lines of what you were talking about.

Ah...  No, I'm American, so my consumption of British gaming magazines is pretty low^_^

But, yeah, Tingle is just freaky.  Of course, you bust him out of prison in Wind Waker, which I thought was a pretty interesting anarchistic message

Ready and willing.
Quote from gaijin99:
Of course, you bust him out of prison in Wind Waker, which I thought was a pretty interesting anarchistic message

Link will do ANYTHING for a... a... I forget, you get something there besides the Tingle Tuner. What was it...
Picto Box.
A couple of Rupees.
A big rock w/ writing on it that you can read... the feeling that you're wasting your time...
Ready and willing.
Well... I thought it was something better. Link WILL do anything for Rupees, tho.
Quote from Toozin:
Quote from SpecialK:
Am I the only one who liked the style of Wind Waker?

Damn man, do we disagree on anything?

Great minds think alike ;)

The Tingle Tuner had it's bonuses, my buddy used it while we were in the temples to get the golden trophies among many other different ways to solve puzzles thanks to the aid of some Tingle devices.

I liked the Picture sidequest because of it's sheer size... I wish I knew of some things before I went through it to merely save me the effort to find 2 one-time-only pics my second time through...

All in all the game is huge and I love it but it's a little too big that it drags out... In fact I still haven't beaten it, just finished fighting the 4 bosses again in old Hyrule
hehe.. our 2 posts were sent at the exact same time.. hehe..  Ill also do anything for rupees in that game, so its common.
Ready and willing.
Yeah, the ocean overworld can be a drag, unfortunately. Wasn't game killing for me, but I don't think I'll ever beat it again.
sailing... forever and ever... seeing something once every hour... the dungeons were my lifeline in that game.  I wont play it again for a while.
I liked the items in that game: the difference in grappling hook and hookshot, the ability to switch arrows on the fly, the enhanced boomerang, the different pouches (xcept the mail one) as well as controlling other characters and all trading games

I think the baton was a little too fruity though.

However, getting in a gigantic room with a bunch or darknuts, moblins and wizzrobes and fighting your way out rocks
yes.  yes yes.  The combat system was a lot more streamlined and easier to work with than Oot's.  Also, you didnt have that damn ball of light zipping around yelling "Hey!  Look! Listen! Watch out!"  every 5 seconds.  Evil or Very Mad  I HATE NAVI!!!  Evil or Very Mad  Evil or Very Mad
I liked the counter attack, it rocked. Fighting that trainer and hitting him enough times to get the heart piece was nuts cuz I kept getting greedy and getting hit with like 12 hits left or so... I always drank the soup to double power me, then the magic shield and cut loose ;)
My biggest problem with the game was how short that freaking hookshot's reach was. I mean, the chain must have been three feet long. What's the use of that?

My only other problems were that there weren't enough of those cleverly designed dungeons, and that I got a guide for the game for some stupid reason. What the hell was I smoking?

The sailing wasn't too bad for me, since the graphics were so nice and the camera was moveable. I'd just play around, jumping and swerving.

Finally, I loved the overhaul the combat system got. It was so good, they could actually give enemies brains in this one. Even bokoblins were relatively intelligent, compared to a Stalchild from OOT.

Overall, I loved WW. The only thing I would have liked to see is a temple that was as original as Stone Tower temple from MM. Nothing can beat turning the entire temple upside down and falling into the sky to fight the boss.
I didn't like MM cuz the day thing was a pain in the ass, losing ammo and rupees everytime and I'm a guy who likes it all maxed out at all times

Plus I don't think I ever made it to a temple but I have seen the final stages after all temples are done cuz my buddy made it that far
Pobrecito. You have to go around and kill monsters to get more ammo? I feel so bad for you.

Ah well, some people like MM, and some people are jerks. I mean, don't. I thought the day thingy worked very well, and MM had the most minigames I have ever seen in a game outside of Warioware. Fave: the swamp shooting gallery, or the tricky goron racetrack.
Oh I'm sure I'll play it when I get the GC promo disk and get used to it in time... That's the one thing I liked about it, all the miniquests and such :)
Majora's was on that recent free GC release with Zelda 1 and such, right?

Did they ever release that for PAL systems?  Did we get shanked or what?

I needs to play Majora's Mask, and I don't really feel inclined to get the 8mb upgrade for the N64 :)
(And when I tried it emulated, it fell to pieces.  Has that changed?)
Quote from Stonefish:
Majora's was on that recent free GC release with Zelda 1 and such, right?

Yeah that's it.  It came with Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, (Iknow, it was already on the GC, but they had to put it in) Legend of Zelda, Adventure of Link, demo to Wind Waker, and a video showing all the Zelda games.  I got this baby when I subscribed to Nintendo Power.
Yes, that's the one I need.  Badly.

Does a PAL version exhist?  (there's no such thing as a regionless GC disc, right?)  Can we get our hands on?
bump? :)