I mean come on guys lets be honestly. When we first heart of Prime Hunters we were skeptical and it didn't seem like it would be that great of a game, but it had POTENTIAL. Maybe Nintendo didn't capitalize on that potential, but they experiemented with what they had and they learned. I think Federation Force shows the same potential, but with YEARS of experience under their belt this time around.
Aw fuck who am I kidding, that ball-shooting vidoe looks like baby ass fucks shitting on a rusted plate. Who the fuck would ever WANT that game? God it looks like shit.
haha i know you were kidding but hunters multiplayer never appealed to me either. that game was shit too. but at least it looked kind of like metroid lol
The worst part about it being a Metroid game is that people are going to say "oh you just don't like it because it's something different, if it wasn't called Metroid you'd like it" when it is very clearly a shit game no matter what the label is.
The worst part about it being a Metroid game is that people are going to say "oh you just don't like it because it's something different, if it wasn't called Metroid you'd like it" when it is very clearly a shit game no matter what the label is.
Even if that were true, I don't see the problem with disliking it solely because it's under the Metroid name. I view it as perfectly legitimate to dislike an entry in a series on the grounds of its being a very poor entry by the standards of that series.
"If it weren't called 'Metroid' you'd like it!" "If the entire reason you dislike it weren't there, you wouldn't dislike it!"
It's true though that a lot of the problem with this game is that it is nominally a Metroid game. It looks like they had an idea for a game but didn't think they could really sell it so they made it a Metroid title in hopes that that would generate some sort of response from people, ideally, "I love Metroid and want to play more of it!"
Unfortunately they made something so thoroughly bland that the only appropriate response is a shrug.
Usually when Nintendo gets an idea for a game they wanna do, but they know it won't sell unless they attach it to a pre-existing IP, they do it to Kirby. And usually it looks more fun from the get-go than this does. :(
So I haven't played it and don't plan to and know almost nothing about the game or the story but apparently there's a secret ending teaser thing in this.
It's Sylux stealing a Metroid from the Fed. Sylux was also in the MP3 secret ending in case you forgot. I don't blame you.
It almost gives you the impression that they've been having an idea for a game for almost a decade. Almost. Now I'm almost curious about Metroid NX!
I mean it's an opportunity to make people give a shit, considering he's just a mysterious blank slate at this point. I just wonder if the intent was to flesh out other hunter characters all along and they haven't got around to it, which is why they introduced so many other hunters in MPH and MP3, or if they had an idea for an antagonist and the little "backstory" they created for Sylux happened to kinda fit that so they went with him. They obviously feel the need to have some supporting characters so if we can't have our isolated exploration at least do something with them.
has Sylux even had a single line in all his appearances? even Samus' ship has spoken more in previous games.
it's true that Samus didn't have any lines originally but the games provided all that was needed. for Sylux, the games he's been in haven't provided anything to make him remotely interesting.
all he has going for hin is that he uses Federation tech (i read his Hunters scan because i beat that game 2 weeks ago) but the Federation itself is pretty bland.
hell, some of the other hunters are more interesting than him based on abilities alone. the Space Pirate one seems way more interesting.