You're probably right, but don't discount the really fast posters like skynes and Saber in Blue. They may still have a long way to go, but Saber especially posts REALLY fast.
I don't object. We can start off with 1, then 2, then 4, then 8, then 16, then 32, then 64, then 128, then 256, then 512, then 1,028, then 2,056, then...
Higher requirements for status titles would provide more encouragement for active...ness... but I think they are good the way they are. And while I'll tell anyone who will listen or visit my debate about Quuen Metroid and Metroid Prime that Primes are exclusively male, Prime is a better choice for the top rank because it's not officially either way. At 1,000 you should be able to choose your own rank in my opinion. If you did that, then the mods and admins should have their SNs and titles in different colors in the posts like they are in the who-on-o-meter to differentiate. Queen shouldn't be in the ranks, though, if the Metroid-type ranks are to be kept, and I like them. If you don't like the choose-your-own-rank, then here'a an Idea: You could move all ranks except Larva up one notch, Prime up to 1K, and add Metroid Egg in where Alpha was. That would shake things up, but it would work.
Quote from Light of Day:
You're probably right, but don't discount the really fast posters like skynes and Saber in Blue. They may still have a long way to go, but Saber especially posts REALLY fast.
Something I am quite proud of, even if it isn't intentional as such. And notice I didn't double post! Yaaaay... wiggle
Mmm... I'm not quite sure about doubling the requirements... I'm not sure exactly what my objection is, but it doesn't feel right. *shrug* For one thing, tho, then we'd have less than 50 members who WOULDN'T be Larva... and then we'd get much more of a race to 1000, which isn't a good thing.
I like Saber's idea of choosing your own rank at 1000 posts. Besides that, I don't care either way. Another idea is, at 1000 posts you become Kraid, then 5000 is Ridley, 10000 is Mother Brain, and a whopping 100000 is Samus. Why do I suggest that? Because nobody's ever gonna get past Kraid...
Edited in the quote because this got in after chin's:
Quote from Yoshi348:
Mmm... I'm not quite sure about doubling the requirements... I'm not sure exactly what my objection is, but it doesn't feel right. *shrug* For one thing, tho, then we'd have less than 50 members who WOULDN'T be Larva... and then we'd get much more of a race to 1000, which isn't a good thing.
Yeah, you're right. And this doesn't change your... rightness... but to clarify I meant that you'd go from Larva to Egg 9or maybe that's more of a chrysalis) when you would have gone to Alpha normally. To fit more with MII. But you are right, setting 1K as a requirement would make it more racelike, and you'd have everyone posting really really fast but only for the sake of racking up posts. You'd have lots of meaningless posts.