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Just to let everybody know, the slowdown that occurs in that latest demo release has been fixed, and the game uses a little less RAM than it did before. Though it's still a lot, the slightly decreased RAM will get more important as the game grows. The next release (whenever that is) will be much, much faster for everybody.
And, I mean "the slowdown has been fixed" as in the game went from requiring more than the max amount of CPU power my PC can give (constant vrumming and half the desired speed), to hovering around 20% CPU usage, therefore running and staying at full speed. It was not, in fact, the result of poor programming talent, as some of you seemed to think, but instead was caused by just one single little hard-to-find irksome thing, which has been fixed now.
Good to know. It was completely unplayable for me on my PC box when I tried. Though, that's not really saying much, considering I'm surprised it even ran. (it's a complete POS by today's standards)
Demo 1.4
it doesnt work....
That was pretty cool... I played till shortly after I killed the metroid... then i accidentally hit ESC and it closed everything.

Still, if you can develop an entire game like that, it will be very impressive. Keep it up.
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_light1:

Trying to use non-existing surface.

After killing the first metroid, and getting to what I believe is the reincarnation of the vertical shaft connecting the ruins and tunnels of the first main area.
Interesting. I'll report that to PizzaBoy.

Edit: He fixed it now.