It's a project i've been working on for over four years now. After a few minor engine rebuilds and one MAJOR layout rebuild, i have a sizeable portion of game ready to play. I'm releasing it in episodes so there will be a feeling of completion througout. Plus it makes it cool like the old serial novels, and i hope, builds aniticipation for the next episode. Several members of this site played the previous build, and a few minor complaints aside, all seemed to quite enjoy it. This isn't your typical fangame fair. It looks, sounds, feels, and a Metroid game. I've put immense effort into making sure of that, and I'm quite proud. Anyways, below is a download link where you can get episodes 1 and 2. I just finished episode 2 a few hours ago, so it may be buggy. But that's the purpose of get lots of people to play it and possibly find the problems i missed. If you're interested in playing, please do, and email me, letting me know what you think. Make sure you include "Metroid" in the subject line of your email so i don't think it's spam. All the info you'll need to play is in the documentation. PLEASE read it. Thanks in advance. The testers I've gotten from this site already have done WONDERS for the game, so i'm hoping to get more of the same.
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