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Quote from Von Richter:
Quote from mooseproduce:
Quote from Rox:
I'm sickeningly good at pointing out things I don't like, [...] like the pushing animation there that would look better if the head was turning less ...


Moose, for what it's worth I'm quite happy with your animation, and so is almost everyone else, and I look forward to any more cool stuff you do.

Heh, of course. It's awesome and fits the style very well. But would you try one where her head looks mostly forward-and-down and moves one pixel at the most? Because.. if I was pushing a thing like she does, I'd be too dizzy to stand up after just three or four paces.

Constructive critique here.

No. I'm giving up sprites for ever.

Just kidding. The thing about imperfections is that there are about two billion of them in the push sprites alone. While studying the Super Metroid sprites, I was actually finding mistakes and shortcuts and stuff by the original sprite artists, which made me feel better about my own shortcomings. :D But if there's something that someone who isn't me notices, then I should certainly change it... I'll model myself pushing up against a doorframe in a mirror and see how to fix it. (That was my method when I started the original push animation. ^___^)
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
The only problem copying yourself pushing in the mirror is that you're looking up at the  mirror to see yourself pushing.
Quote from JaggerG:
The only problem copying yourself pushing in the mirror is that you're looking up at the  mirror to see yourself pushing.

Maybe that's why the head looks funny. XD
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:26:56 pm
Pure, unadulterated hotness.
Holy damn that ripple effect looks sweet!  grin new

I also cant get over the water... see when Samus splashes into the water while in Morphball form? .......Beautiful.  laugh new
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:26:36 pm
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
That is pretty damn cool.

I'm kind of disappointed that it doesn't literally move anything, like the lake's surface doesn't bubble, and it doesn't propel you. I think it should push you in a certain direction at a decreasing force.

Crystal Flash is gonna be pretty damn kickass, I bet.
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:26:20 pm
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Okay, that's a good point there. I thought about it for a bit and realize you're absolutely right. Even if the PB blocks are solid, it's not important enough to really care. Then there's the fact that any time you ever need to be in morph ball in the air, you can easily just mid-air morph. The physical effect I refer to is probably a bigger detriment than it is a neat feature. Even if you can ride it over a horizontal gap.
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:23:02 pm
Please don't remove them, they are so amazingly above and beyond the purple explosion of your original video. :D I'm not a fan of the "garbled edges" in the second video, but the other ones look excellent.
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:25:56 pm
Anywhere, everywhere
They're amazing. The original and the last one are the best imo.
Quote from Von Richter:
Drives me nuts that the ripples don't line up properly with what they are rippling. Well, it does in the very top left corner of a room, but that's it.

Nobody knows what you're talking about because we're busy scrubbing drool stains off the keyboard with bleach.
I've been lurking on your forum and watching this for about a week and I must say...

`-`; omigod

I'd love to take this level editor for this and make my idea a reality with it. laugh new It'd be a lot more awesome than using SMILE. (it'd still be epic, but I see this engine being so freakin' flexible. It's unbelievable!)

Oh and Moose, amazing sprite work. I don't even think amazing is the right word for how awesome it is.
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:25:37 pm
All I can say is:
VR, YOU ARE NOT REAL! no real person could create such awsomness without imploading! (BTW, you do have that backed up, right? A computer error would be disasterous, Beleive, me I know!)
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:24:31 pm
Nice, I've just lost my last week of work on TroidEngine (my metroid engine, not quite as nice as yours!) and all my other GM, C++, J#, and BASIC projects, along with the programs themselves, my coursework for tech, I.T. and geography. Mostly backed up though, so not a major disaster, but i've lost my net connection.
Actually, the failure was like the loosing items bit in MP, my computer delivers messages that way, so:
System FAilure
Hardware failure
It was almost comical...
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:24:22 pm
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Von Richter: 2007-12-19 10:24:12 pm
Well, I took a trip to your forum and read the FAQ.

I for one can say I am very excited about this project, and I can see that you truly have what it takes to be a game designer.  Its almost as though your an...INSANE CYBORG FROM THE FUTURE.    aiwebs_008  laugh new

If three years from now I come back and see this game completed, i'll gladly drop whatever next-gen game i'm playing and enjoy this game all night. 

Definitely looks like a must play; every inch of it looks simply amazing.  Two thumbs up.  grin new  grin new

Please don't abandon this project.
Nah, how could he now?
Anyway, I beleive VR has the inner stregnth to do this.
It DOES look awsome, but I'm not impressed by the particle effects, mainly the physics, the ideas behind it, the ideas of it, etc.
But graphics are also important, so the particle effects win, too.
One example of something that won me over instantly was firing missiles. Not too great, eh? Water + Missiles + most metroid games = nothing. water + missiles + VR = absolute awsomeness kickass physics, and graphics. Can't wait to play a demo, even. Love the Vids of it, too. I'd rather watch a new ME vid, than make a coding breakthrough of my own metroid engine!