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Stuffs. Yar.
Well, to be fair, I only know that it's a Skree because of Maru Mari...  laugh new

That and I'm sure you were here before they got rid of the censors, and therefore would know what "Flickerbat" means... :P
OH ****!!!!
Gah my eardrums!!!!!!! aiwebs_016 I never heard of maru mari though....should i?  Shocked
Stuffs. Yar.
Well, it hasn't updated in several years (Three and a half, to be more precise), but it is/was a sprite comic made by Toozin and Houston, and can be found over here.
Wow.  You guys are mean.  As a fellow Metroid Fangame devolper, i can understand what he's put into this.

May i suggest that instead of just rehashing the original game at a different angle, that you just take your code, and do new level data.  I's be more interested in playing something that is new rather than just seeing something i've already done hundreds of times at a new angle.  I love the original Metroid, and i've played every hack of it i could find, as long as it had a a different layout.  Some sort of gamepad/joystick controls would be a godsend as well.
this sounds so cool >_<
but i'm on linux and no shockwave plugin for my browser.
just my luck.

hmm anyone have some screens of this?
Jagger ftw
First of all... get wine for linux..

Second... Watch out for the time of your previous bump
Posted on: March 15, 2008, 05:39:16 pm
Posted by: JacobXScum

not trying to be mean or any thing... just weird that some one brought this up again..
are you aware this topic is a sticky?
Jagger ftw
Quote from RT-55J:
You are aware of the fact that this is a sticky, aren't you?

This is what I am talking about.. seeing things poping up from the past..
Gu3st, you can't bump a sticky, but don't minimod anyway.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Newborn:
this sounds so cool >_<
but i'm on linux and no shockwave plugin for my browser.
just my luck.

hmm anyone have some screens of this?


Google's image search function is your friend.

You're not really missing much. I played it, it's a cool idea, but it's just a different, somewhat frustrating camera angle of the same old game. Metroid's always a classic but it's not really that much fun by today's standards.

I'm also suprised Linux wouldn't even be able to support shockwave. I still don't understand why people use anything besides Windows/Mac unless it's job-related. That's a discussion for another topic though, I suppose.

Edit: Huh. Twice in this page someone gives someone a hard time for bumping what was a sticky all along. Hat trick! You know you want to.
Mister ...
Quote from Acheron86:
Edit: Huh. Twice in this page someone gives someone a hard time for bumping what was a sticky all along. Hat trick! You know you want to.

Shame on whoever for reviving an old topic?  :P

I tried this for the first time yesterday, as I thought this was a discussion about some future Metroid game that we would never see.  Neat little concept, but the camera angle is annoying.  Even starting with 2 energy tanks didn't help prevent me from getting owned by those damned Zoomers.  That, and I somehow ended up with ScrewAttack after getting the first missile tank.  Not sure how that worked out, but it didn't help me against those Zoomers any.
OH ****!!!!
I just push all the buttons to turn the items on, like W for wave beam. (don't take this out of context please) ([or bump it])
I tried it out. never figured out how to jump. I managed to take off my suit while firing hte ice beam as samus, and then in IE it did this weird thing (it looks like alt-tab, but for tabs). anyhow I gave up on it, neat game though.