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It's news to me.
red chamber dream
Meh, it's okay. That's all I really have to say.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Isometry blows.  There I said it.
everybody knows it's true
looks pretty cool
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Definitely not the best thing I've ever seen, I don't even want to dare trying to play it....
Here we go again...

Opinions are opinions so I won't try to convince anyone otherwise if they don't like it. You can read the old thread and see me ranting against criticism and that was mostly useless :) Hmmm... wait I feel this uncontrolable rant coming again! :)

I never intended to present Metroid Cubed like the best thing ever, I did it because I had made this program that converted NES graphic tiles into 3d objects and happened to be working on a Metroid level editor. If you don't like the original graphics well you won't like Metroid Cubed either. The project is not about converting the game to isometric. The isometric view was chosen for the current main version because it was easier to deal with at first. A parallel project on my site is the Metroid Rotation demo which shows that the game can be played with a live camera rotation and feature arbitrary destroyable terrain like in Worms 3d. You can even smoothly make a transition between the original 2d game view and graphics and the 3d version. Again, if you don't like the original game graphics, you won't like these either...In the future I might add "depth" to levels and gameplay and provide a first person view since many seem to like it so much, but the idea is to keep the same original pixel art, but in 3d.

I will certainly admit that the html part of my webpage is crap and the game could be improved in many ways, I don't pretend it's finished either.

Dark_SA-X: Saying that Metroid Cubed is "really crap" like it's the absolute truth is a little immature in my view. I don't mind the other comments though.

I guess I'll end up like I'm bragging about it, but if you search for "metroid cubed" on google with the quotes, not only you get my page at the top, but like 95% of the remaining 1040 pages talk about my site, mainly in blogs and forums all around the web, but also some popular online videogame magasines. Mostly good reviews but some bad too, in general, people love it or hate it. I get 26%  of my traffic from japanese visitors vs. 46% us visitors. Most japanese videogame companies have visited my site (namco was very interested by the StarFox Object viewer it seems).

All of that happened with no advertising from my part, I guess it's so crappy that it got people interested ;)

The fact that you mention the metroid cubed in google part makes me think that it was a flamebait :) Oh well I fell for it! :P

Anyway I'm not offended by all of that, I find it funny that someone can take the results of hours of work and run it through the ground in a single phrase. You know this thing is free and bannerless, I guess they should thank you that you warned them not to waste 5 minutes of their time.

RT-55J: what the heck is in the character icon in your StarFox signature image? It's scary :) (Edit: ah! I'm so dumb, it's that Megaman robot head...)

Yeah I have a working downloadable SNES StarFox level editor somewhere on my site, I figured out by myself the level and polygon object formats (I guess I had to compensate for the "crappy" Metroid Cubed). It's a prerelease and it's very hard to use because the format is complicated, I'm working on a simpler interface and real 3d editing. Anyhow, this is not the place to talk about StarFox :)

Well, maturity has never been my strong point, but seriously, were Kraid and Mother Brain meant to be cannon fodder? Was Ridley meant to be invincible? Were you meant to be allowed to get ALL the upgrades right at the start? Surely the beauty of Metroid is the bosses, and searching for the items! Since you've taken both aspects away, there isn't a game left. Just summing it down to "incomplete" doesn't constitute as an excuse (especially with the upgrades). What I saw was barely even started, let alone incomplete.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy

"Never put a limit on human stupidity."

Did you read his posts? Did you catch the part where he said it wasn't meant to be a really good game, just an interesting project? Do you honestly believe Metroid was all about the bosses and item collecting when there are only 3 bosses in the entire game and they don't even count how many items you get? Seriously, man, you're making empty arguments as though they matter. It sounds to me like you're just trash talking it without even thinking about his defense. Something tells me you won't even care to read this either.

I don't know why I even bother....
red chamber dream
I think it's definitely an interesting project and stuff; it's just nowhere near as fun as the original to play.
Nice idea, fair enough, but what happened to making a good game with the interesting project in one fell swoop? If the creator takes into account what I've said, and has made changes regarding it, then good for him, he is giving the people what they want. The idea is that people NOTICE it. D'you think I flame games because I think it's fun? Seriously...
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
D'you think I flame games because I think it's fun? Seriously...

I think a lot of people do so for that very reason.
Too many fangirls to count
I like this game. Over today and tommorrow, I may beat it.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Dark SA-X: if you want the game to be different and appeal to your views because you know exactly what everyone else wants ( Rolling Eyes ), then write it your own damn self. He's not gonna get it done in the blink of an eye. He's the only one working on this anyways. He doesn't have a whole programming team of professionals, or design artists, or any of those hundreds of people that work for Nintendo. I may be wrong, he may have a bit of help from a couple others, but still, he's not gonna do it all in just a year, especially when everything just has to work so precisely and just like the real thing. There's much more coding than you've probably seen in your life that has to work absolutely perfectly. Yes, the bosses may be pushovers or another one may be impossible or something, but you don't seem to realize just how many enemies there are and how long it would take to get all their damage levels just right.

And yes, I do think you get some sort of enjoyment for flaming games that you don't understand or has some flaws.
What I understand, is that the game could be far better. That's all I'm saying. There is plenty more that could be done in the game. I think that the idea's great, but I speak for everyone when I say that there are some things that could be done to make it better. For instance, they could personalize it a little, perhaps place in the Crocomire hacked in to the ROM Zero Mission. So don't moan at me (or give the game sympathy votes-like I haven't noticed), I'm merely stating ways to improve on this idea. As for your last comment, flaming Golden Sun, admittedly, was VERY fun. That game was the biggest heap of *CENSORED* I have ever played. I still need therapy after that one...
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
What I understand, is that the game is still in progress and he's clearly not finished. You go on as if that's it and he just sold a billion copies of it around the world and that he won't even think about it ever again. If you wanted a complete version, just wait. You can't go to NoA and look at some of the games they've been working on for a couple months and say "There's a hell of a lot of crap missing and it sucks ass! I'm so not gonna buy this piece of shit. You better fix it!"

I rated the idea of it, not the game. The game isn't complete and still in pretty early stages. If you want peoples' opinions on it as a game, wait until it IS a game. Until then, you don't even know what the actual finished product will be. Hell, you don't even know if he's ever gonna bother to finish it because rambling shit talkers like you just don't get the point of it all and will endlessly flame him until he takes it down. Just calm down about it now, wait until you have something to actually bitch about.
A good idea doesn't mean a good end result. I am waiting, funding ideas as I go along. I'm not just flaming Metroid Cubed, I'm stating what needs to be changed, and what other bits can be added. If you read between my lines, you'd realise this. Or I'll need a REAL flame victim...
and white wine
Kind of neat but kind of annoying to play. Also, having the meters in the upper-right corner like that is a horrible idea.
Ready and willing.

Oh come on, like I'm not going to use that when it's you.

But yeah that was a real borderline bump there... try not to pull that again k?
Armor Guardian
You are aware of the fact that this is a sticky, aren't you?
Ready and willing.
* Yoshi348 runs
Metroid Cubed is more of a technology demonstration of voxels, and it pains me to see negative comments, as it's really impressive. Read the authors extensive notes to get an idea of what's going on with it.
soo fun
OH ****!!!!
This is actually pretty impressive but also incredibly fustrating. I can't get all the buttons down, i can't tell if i can jump to that ledge are not. Enemys seem to be harder to beat when their 3-d because you can't predict exactly were it would land, like when a flickerbat falls down from the ceilling. I can never guess were it'll land next. Rolling Eyes
Stuffs. Yar.
[quote=Mr. Shadow]like when a flickerbat falls down from the ceilling[/quote]

Erm... don't you mean "Skree"? :P
OH ****!!!!
Oh is that what it is? I couldn't think of name sorry. laugh new